September 15, 2022


“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.”

1 Peter 3:8 NLT

School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

9/26 PAC Meeting

10/1 SAT @ MAK

10/5 Q1 Ends

10/6-7 No School – Professional Learning

10/10-14 Fall Vacation

10/21 Parent Teacher Conferences

10/29 Family Day

Dear Parents and Guardians, 


Thank you for your continued support as the school navigates through Covid-19.  With the recent New Moon Festival holiday, I wanted to give the school community a friendly reminder to please practice self-health awareness by monitoring temperatures and symptoms at home and not sending children to school if they are experiencing any symptoms of an illness.  


Please carefully monitor your child’s health before returning to school each day.  


Once again, thank you for your cooperation, support, and understanding.  Your child’s safety and security is our #1 priority.  If you have any questions, concerns, or needs, please email the MAK Office.  The school will be happy to assist you in any way.    

再次感謝您的配合、支持和理解。您孩子的安全及健康是我們最大優先考量。若您有任何問題、顧慮或需求,請發電子郵件給 MAK Office。學校很樂意為您提供任何的幫助。

Sincerely,  Dr. Kim

校長 金德民博士  敬啟

Dear Parents:

University requirements and applications continue to grow more and more complicated each year.  September 16th at 2pm,  I will explain each component of an application and how universities use them in their evaluation of students. I will discuss GPA, Essays, Testing,  Recommendation Letters, Activities, etc.  

If you are planning on attending this meeting at MAK, please RSVP by replying to this email: with your students name, grade and the number of people attending.

Thank You


申請大學和要求每年都變得越來越複雜。9月16日下午2點,我將解釋申請表每個部分及大學如何評估學生。我將討論 GPA,論文,測試,推薦信,活動,等等。

如果您想參加這個會議,請寫信給: , 並附上您學生名字,年級和參加人數。


SHARKS took a bite out of the Dragons this past Tuesday (on the volleyball court).  After a slow start and trailing 14 – 20 in the first set, the Sharks were able to muster their composure and win 25 – 23.  The next two sets, the Varsity team grew in confidence and closed out the match 25 – 13 and 25 – 15. Strong serving by Ashley Lai and Luby Chiu were highlights of the match.  Senior middle player Annie Chen also had 10 kills with no errors.  It was a good first match of the season against a familiar opponent.  Next up for the Sharks is the Morrison Exchange on the September 17th weekend. 

The annual Fall Art Competition is back! This year’s theme is “Connections”, which was inspired by our school theme this year: The Morrison Family. The Exhibition will be on Oct. 25, the day of the Parent Teacher Conference, parents are welcome to come and take pictures of your kids’ work!  All mediums are welcomed to be used. Please submit your artwork to Mrs. Newkirk, Hope Yang(12), Emily Wong(11), or Daisy Chuang(10) by Sep. 26 (Monday).  If there are any concerns, please contact MAK HS Art Club at Thank you! 

馬禮遜高中美術社要在10/25 (家長座談日)舉行秋季畫展!今年的主題是「連結」。作品會在MPR展出,家長們要記得來看喔!  學生們,請於9/26號之前把作品交給Mrs. Newkirk, Hope Yang(12), Emily Wong(11), or Daisy Chuang(10). 若有任何問題,請問MAK HS Art Club 謝謝你!

Previous MAK Messengers

August 30th, 2019

How to properly wash hands? What to do if my child contracts gastroenteritis? 如何正確洗手?當小孩得到腸胃炎,該怎麼辦? Parents, please show this bromidic video from the World Health Organization to your children about handwashing. Middle and High school students can also benefit from proper hand washing instruction also.  家長們,請撥放這段來自世界衛生組織所拍攝教導關於如何洗手的影片給您的小孩看。這段正確洗手的影片對於國高中生們也很有幫助。 Click here a teaching sheet on…

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Thursday, August 22, 2019 Reminder from the Health Clinic! 保健室的提醒 Please remember if your child is a new student you need to turn in his/her health record form, complete with vaccine history and physical by Friday, August 31st!  如果您是新生家長,請於8月31日(五)前繳交健康記錄表,請完整填入先前預防針施打及健檢紀錄。 If you have misplaced that form, click this link for a…

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August 15, 2019

HOW TO REACH US: 如何與我們聯繫 At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm).…

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