October 29, 2020


Message from the Juniors:
THANK YOU to everyone for coming to Family Day last weekend! Thank you so much for your support. We really appreciate it. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed your time and our services. You are the best!

MAK’s Photography Club is selling postcards! During these times of COVID-19, it can be hard for people to visit Taiwan, so we’re helping you send Taiwan to loved ones abroad! There are six 2020 limited edition postcards with beautiful photos taken by club members. Pre-orders and purchases can be made via this Google Form or you can purchase them at the Front Office during school hours. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our club president Maggie: tsaim3@ma.org.tw.

高中部的攝影社即將發售由他們的作品製成的明信片。在這陣子疫情的影響下,許多人錯失了來台灣欣賞大自然美景的機會,因此,我們希望能藉由這些明信片傳遞你們的消息給國外的親朋好友們。一組明信片有六張社員的作品,請由以下連結預購,或是在校期間至學校辦公室訂購。如果您有任何問題,請直接聯繫社長Maggie: tsaim3@ma.org.tw


The Junior class will be setting up a Children’s Library in a small village in Pingtung County as a part of their Impact Program trip to serve others.  They would like to call on the amazingly generous MAK community to partner with them in this effort by donating any used or new books! Used books should be in very good condition.  Both Mandarin and English books are welcome. The targeted age range is elementary, approximately ages 4-12. There will be a box in the Library between now and November 13 into which you can deposit books. Thank you so much for your generosity!  If you have any questions about this please contact Wade West westw@ma.org.tw.

今年我們的十一年級的學生將到屏東縣的一個小村莊蓋一間兒童圖書館,作為他們服務社區的“影響力”之旅的一部分。他們想通過慷慨的MAK以捐贈的舊書或新書的方式與他們合作!我們希望募得的二手書,書況必須要是非常良好的狀態。中英文書籍皆可。目標年齡範圍是小學,大約4-12歲。從現在到十一月13日,我們將會在圖書館擺放一個箱子,您可以把欲捐書籍放置其中。非常感謝您的慷慨捐書!如果對此有任何疑問,請聯繫Mr. Wade West (westw@ma.org.tw)。

The TISSA MS Soccer Tournament will be on Saturday, November 7th. Please refer to Mr. Gregg’s email/letter for further information.
TISSA 中學足球比賽將於十一月7日(六)舉行。欲知詳情請洽Mr. Gregg。



Basketball tryouts have been completed. If your child is participating they should know what team they are on at this point.
Our currently scheduled games are as follows:
Boys Varsity Basketball  @ I-Shou International School, Friday, 10/30
Boys JV Basketball vs I-Shou International School @ MAK on Friday, 10/30
Girls Basketball @ I-Shou International School on Tuesday, 11/10.
Boys Varsity @ Feng Chia University on Saturday, 11/14.  Invitational tournament for International Schools.
Girls Basketball v KAS @ MAK on Wednesday, 12/2
Boys Varsity Basketball v I-Shou International School @ MAK on Friday, 12/4
Boys JV Basketball v I-Shou @ I-Shou International School on Friday, 12/4

JV Boys Basketball v KAS @ MAK on Monday, 12/7
Varsity Boys Basketball v KAS @ KAS* on Tuesday, 12/8

All teams away to Taichung for system exchange and qualifiers vs AST on Saturday 12/12
More games to come. 


男子籃球校隊 對戰 義守國際學校@ 義守國際學校(10/30)
男子籃球校隊二軍 對戰 義守國際學校@ 高雄馬禮遜 (10/30)
女子籃球 對戰 義守國際學校@ 義守國際學校(11/10)
球校隊 對戰 逢甲大學@ 逢甲大學(國際學校邀請賽(11/14)
女子籃球 對戰 高雄美國學校@ 高雄馬禮遜 (12/2)
男子籃球校隊 對戰 義守國際學校@ 高雄馬禮遜(12/4)
男子籃球校隊二軍 對戰 義守國際學校@ 義守國際學校(12/4)
男子籃球校隊二軍 對戰 高雄美國學校@ 高雄馬禮遜(12/7)
男子籃球校隊 對戰 高雄美國學校@ 高雄美國學校(12/8)



Previous MAK Messengers

September 22, 2022

“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.” 1 Peter 3:8 NLT School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 9/26 PAC Meeting 10/1 SAT @ MAK 10/5 Q1 Ends 10/6-7 No School – Professional Learning 10/10-14 Fall Vacation…

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September 15, 2022

“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.” 1 Peter 3:8 NLT School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 9/26 PAC Meeting 10/1 SAT @ MAK 10/5 Q1 Ends 10/6-7 No School – Professional Learning 10/10-14 Fall Vacation…

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September 8, 2022

“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.” 1 Peter 3:8 NLT School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 9/9 No School – Moon Festival 9/9-11 VIDA @ MAC 9/26 PAC Meeting 10/1 SAT @ MAK 10/5 Q1…

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September 1, 2022

“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.” 1 Peter 3:8 NLT School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 9/8 Late Start, Half Day, dismissal at 11:30am, school buses leave at 11:45am (PL) 9/9 No School – Moon…

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August 25, 2022

“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.” 1 Peter 3:8 NLT School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 8/27 SAT at MAK 8/31 Meet the Teachers 9/8 Half Day (PL) 9/9 No School – Moon Festival 9/9-11…

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