October 15, 2020
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences will be held Friday, October 23, 2020 and the sign-up forms will be made available starting Friday, October 16, 2020 at 9:00am. A separate email will be sent to all MAK parents with the link at that time. Please also note that sign-ups will be closed at 8:00am on Thursday, October 22 in order to allow teachers to prepare for the conferences.
Grades 6-12 students are invited to accompany you to Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences. We will provide some child supervision during conferences. Your children should either be with you or in the designated supervision areas. Please be ready to pay a small donation for this service. All proceeds will go toward the 11th-grade service trip.
First Quarter is ending this week. Next week, report cards will be available before Friday. You can access your child’s report card electronically. Elementary School MasteryConnect reports will be delivered to you via email. PowerSchool reports for all grades can be found in PowerSchool. Follow the steps below to access the report card.
- Log into PowerSchool. You must log into PowerSchool through a web browser, either on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You will NOT find the Report cards in the PowerSchool APP.
- On the left-hand side of your screen, you should see an icon labeled REPORT CARD. If you don’t see the icon, look for a small gray arrow near the top left of your screen. Click on this arrow to reveal many options, including the Report Card icon.
- Click on the arrow icon: if the report is ready, it will appear.
- If you can not remember your login or password, follow the instructions on the login page to retrieve the information.
We will send an email out next week when the reports are ready.
Please contact the office if you would like to request a printed copy of the report card.
- 登錄到PowerSchool。您必須用手機、平板、筆電或桌上型電腦登錄到PowerSchool瀏覽頁面。您將無法從PowerSchool的應用程式中找到成績單。
- 在您螢幕的左方,您應該可以看到一個顯示“成績單”的圖案及標示。如果您看不到該圖標,請在螢幕左上方附近找到一個灰色的小箭頭。 點擊此箭頭來顯示更多選項,包括“成績單”的圖標。
- 點擊此圖標後,如果成績單已經備妥,您就可以看到成績單了。
- 如果您忘記登錄帳號或密碼,請按照登錄頁面上的說明復取信息。
The MAK ANNUAL FAMILY DAY tickets are now on sale at the Front Office! Adult Tickets = NT$200; Children 5 years and older = NT$100; Children under 5 = FREE!
It is still not too late to sign up to be a volunteer and get a free admission ticket. Click here for more information.
家庭日的門票現在已經在辦公室開賣了喔!成人票 = 200元台幣;五歲以上的兒童票 = 100元台幣;五歲以下(包含五歲)的兒童 = 免費!
There is still a little time left to get in your bid for the Family Day Carwash auction! Remember this is the ONLY way to park inside the school gate. If you do not bid high enough to win a spot, you will have to park outside the school on the road! This auction is voluntary and all proceeds will go to the 11th grade Service Trip fund as the Juniors have been working hard to raise money for their Impact trips to Cambodia and Indonesia next fall. They are so excited for the opportunity to serve communities here in Taiwan and around Asia and would greatly appreciate your help in achieving their fundraising goals with this important and fun tradition!
The car wash is optional, you can select to simply have the parking spot, but it would be the 11th graders pleasure to wash your car to show you our appreciation for your bid. Bid high to guarantee a spot!! You can use this link or the QR code attached to access the form through which you can place your bid. Bids are due by Sunday, Oct. 18 at 11:59PM. Winners will be notified by email! Please pay at the school office and receive your parking permit by the end of the school day Wednesday, Oct. 21 to avoid losing your spot to the next highest bidder!
The Class of 2022 thanks you for your support!
Dear MAK Family,
It’s time for our Annual Family Day again! As usual, we need your valuable time to help us make this event an unforgettable experience. Please select the roles you’re interested in assisting. (Yes, you can choose more than one. Just make sure there’s no conflict of schedule.)
After you submit your selection, you will receive an email confirmation with the slots you have signed up for. Please remember to be at your post on time.
As a thank-you, you will receive FREE admission to Family Day on Saturday, October 24, 2:00-5:00pm.
Thank you so much for being willing to offer your support. We can’t do this without your help!
Click to Sign -Up here
親愛的 MAK 大家庭,
又到了一年一度的園遊會 (家庭日) 了!依照往常,我們需要您寶貴的時間來幫忙協助,讓這個活動成為難忘的回憶。請選擇您有興趣幫忙的項目。(可以複選,但請確定沒有時間上的衝突。)
MAK Library is running an online Scholastic Book Club, so please check your child’s book bag for the letter. Check out the online Book Club to find books that you want to order for your child. Because of Covid-19, leaflets will not be handed out. All orders must be done online. If you have questions or need help ordering, please email: greggl@ma.org.tw and Mrs. Gregg will help you with the order.
For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards.
Completed order forms plus payment need to be completed by Friday. October 16.
MAK圖書館開始一個線上的學院讀書俱樂部,請檢查您孩子的書包中是否有這份通知單。 請至線上讀書俱樂部網頁,查找您想要為的孩子訂購的書籍。由於新冠病毒,我們不會另發傳單。 所有訂單必須在線上完成。 如果您有任何疑問或需要訂購幫助,請電郵至:greggl@ma.org.tw,Mrs. Gregg將協助您訂購。
Previous MAK Messengers
2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/25 HS Awards @ 6:00pm in the MPR 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement @ 3:00pm in the MPR 6/1 5th (8:45-9:25am) & 8th Grade (1-2:30pm) Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends Senior Commencement 2023 高中畢業典禮 The 2023 Commencement Ceremony will take place…
Read More2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/15-6/1 School buses leave at 3:25pm everyday 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 EndsBuses leave at 11:45am Senior Commencement 2023 高中畢業典禮…
Read More2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends Dear MAK Parents and Guardians, We did it! Thank you for your generous and…
Read More2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends Fall 2023-24 semester tuition statement Dear parents, A paper copy of the Fall 2023-24…
Read More2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 4/28 Middle School Festival 4/29 Junior/Senior Prom 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends 親愛的家長,平安: 臺灣每年皆有民眾因戲水或意外落水而喪失寶貴生命,生命得來不易,水域安全觀念及自救技能應從小建立,並請家長們共同教育提醒您的孩子,「從事水域活動皆有一定風險,請務必選擇合法且有救生設備與人員的場域,並遵守場域相關規定及安全注意事項」,以免溺水憾事發生! Dear Parents and Guardians, People…
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