August 15, 2019


HOW TO REACH US: 如何與我們聯繫

At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm). You may also contact our MAK staff members by email. 

學校非常重視與家長們之間的溝通,如果您有任何的問題,請在辦公時間(週一至週五,早上八點到下午四點)直接致電學校辦公室 (07-356-1190) 或電郵以下教職人員:

Julie Heinsman
Principal 校長
Annie Huang

Admissions 入學組助理
Angela Chu
Admin. Assistant 秘書
Joanna Hung
Admin. Assistant 秘書
Connie Chang
Cashier 出納
Bill Lin
General Manager 總務主任
Krystine Tan
Public Relations Manager公關經理
Shelly Fusca
Elementary Team Leader小學部組長
Albert Tam

Middle School Team Leader 

Jenny Griffin
High School Team Leader 高中部組長
Matt Newkirk
High School Counselor 高中輔導主任
Michael Chan
Elementary and Middle School Counselor 中小學輔導主任
Cris Laytham
Librarian 圖書館老師

Private Music Lessons 音樂個別課

Morrison Academy provides an opportunity for students to receive private/class instrumental instruction once a week (30 minutes per lesson) based on teacher availability. If you are interested in having your child sign up for music lessons, please click here for the Sign Up Form or contact Miss Mai with any questions (

馬禮遜學校根據音樂老師的時間提供有需要的學生個別課。每週一次 ,每節課30 分鐘。若您有興趣讓您的孩子上個別課,請填寫此報名表,若您有任何問題,亦可直接與麥老師(聯繫。


School Closure Time 最後離校時間

School ends at 3:15pm each day.  In order to keep students safe, students who stay after school are expected to be in school-sponsored activities such as ASA, clubs, or sports or in certain areas (i.e. library, MPR, outdoors). Please note that there is no teacher supervision for students not participating in school events, so students who remain at school do so at their own risk. Students who are not following school rules may lose their privilege of staying on campus after school. At 5:30pm, all students must leave campus.  After such time, students who are still on campus will be asked to wait outside the school gates. 


Reminder from the Health Clinic! 保健室的提醒

Please remember if your child is a new student you need to turn in his/her health record form, complete with vaccine history and physical by Friday, August 31st! 


If you have misplaced that form, click this link for a digital copy for you to print.

​如果您找不到健康記錄表, 請點擊這裡再列印一份。

PAC Meeting 家長會

The PAC meeting will take place on Monday, August 26  at 1:00pm in the Garden Conference Room. This is a meeting for PAC members and Class Parents. Please contact your PAC representative if you would like to raise a concern. Please contact Krystine Tan ( with questions.

家長會即將在 8月 26日(一)下午一點於花園會議室舉行。請注意,這是為家長會代表,以及各班級家長代表的會議,如果您不是班級或家長會代表,則毋需參加。若您有任何關於班級的問題,請聯絡各班級家長代表,或公關 Krystine  (。

As valuable members of the Morrison Family, we’d like to warmly invite you to the following Class Tea’s to keep informed on all the exciting things happening at MAK. Please mark these dates on your calendar! 

  • K-G2 Class Tea 1pm on Tues, 8/27 Location: Library
  • G3 – G5 Class Tea 1pm on Thurs, 8/29 Location: Library
  • Middle and High School Class Tea 3 pm on Thurs, 9/5 Location: MPR


  • 大班 ~ 二年級 「茶會」 8月27日(二) 下午1點 。地點:圖書館
  • 三 ~ 五年級 「茶會」 8月39日(四) 下午1點。地點:圖書館
  • 國高中「開學茶會」9月5日(四) 下午3點。地點:MPR

School Calendars 學校行事曆

Both the MAK Academic Calendar and the MAK Events Calendar are available online. Don’t forget to mark the dates of all the fun and exciting activities your children will be involved in. 


Bus information 校車相關事項

Our school bus services are up and running, and things have been going smoothly for most families. To register or modify bus services for your child (either long term or short term), please contact Queen Bus directly by phone (07) 392-5816 or email (


MAK has an official LINE account! We will use this account to send out View Only school-wide announcements, such as Typhoon Day, School Activities, etc. Please add this account to your LINE. Click here to view the latest update about school/work closures announced by the government.

MAK 開了一個LINE的官方帳號!我們將會以這個唯讀功能的官方帳號,向大家發布全校性,如颱風天及學校活動等等的相關訊息。因此,請各位家長記得將MAK的官方帳號加入您的LINE,才不會錯失重要訊息喔!

Previous MAK Messengers

May 25, 2023

2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/25 HS Awards @ 6:00pm in the MPR 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement @ 3:00pm in the MPR 6/1 5th (8:45-9:25am) & 8th Grade (1-2:30pm) Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends Senior Commencement  2023 高中畢業典禮 The 2023 Commencement Ceremony will take place…

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May 18, 2023

2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/15-6/1 School buses leave at 3:25pm everyday 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 EndsBuses leave at 11:45am Senior Commencement  2023 高中畢業典禮…

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May 11, 2023

2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends Dear MAK Parents and Guardians,  We did it!  Thank you for your generous and…

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May 4, 2023

2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends Fall 2023-24 semester tuition statement Dear parents, A paper copy of the Fall 2023-24…

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April 27, 2023

2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 4/28 Middle School Festival 4/29 Junior/Senior Prom 5/18 Secondary Spring ConcertASA Ends 5/20-21 No Activity Weekend 5/25 HS Awards 5/26 Combined Chapel 5/27 HS Commencement 6/1 5th & 8th Grade Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends 親愛的家長,平安: 臺灣每年皆有民眾因戲水或意外落水而喪失寶貴生命,生命得來不易,水域安全觀念及自救技能應從小建立,並請家長們共同教育提醒您的孩子,「從事水域活動皆有一定風險,請務必選擇合法且有救生設備與人員的場域,並遵守場域相關規定及安全注意事項」,以免溺水憾事發生! Dear Parents and Guardians, People…

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