September 21, 2023

2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆
MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆
9/25 PAC Meeting 家長教師會
9/28 Half Day – School starts at 8:00am. (Professional Learning Day)
早上8點上課 – 學生上半天 (教職員訓練)
9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation
10/4 Q1 Ends
10/5-6 No School (PL Days)
學生放假 (教職員訓練)
10/9-13 Fall Break
10/16 Q2 Begins
10/20 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/21 High School Fall Banquet

Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am writing this email to inform you that Morrison Academy will have a half day on Thursday, September 28th, 2023 for teachers’ professional learning. The school will be dismissed at 11:30 AM, with the school buses leaving at 11:45 AM. There will be no lunch during this half day. This is a system-wide Professional Learning day for all teachers to meet, receive training, and learn from each other.
Due to the half day falling on a Thursday, MAK will NOT have a late start. Instead, classes will start at 8:00 am. The school bus schedule will be adjusted to ensure that students are on time for the 8:00 am class start time. Thank you for understanding and making the adjustments to this change.
Dr. Kim
高雄馬禮遜美國學校將於 2023 年 9 月 28 日(星期四)下半天的時間進行教師專業教育培訓。因此,學校當天將於上午11:30 放學,而校車於上午 11:45 出發。學校當天將不會提供中餐。這是全體馬禮遜學校系統的專業教育培訓日,讓所有教師會集、接受培訓,並互相觀摩、學習。
由於星期四只有半天的上課時間,校方決定將當天上課時間調整到上午 8:00 開始,不會延遲開始。校車接送時刻表也將進行調整,以確保學生可以準時到校。
校長 金德民博士

Did you know we have an instagram page? Follow us to see what students life is like here at MAK!

Last Friday in Assembly, ES had their annual Student Council election to select the president for the 2023-2024 school year. All the candidates (Elizabeth Tsai, Marc Lin, and Mercy Lee) did an incredible job with their campaign and speeches. In the end, it was a VERY close race, with final results separated by only a few votes. Congratulations to Elizabeth Tsai for winning the role of President and Mercy Lee for the role of Vice-President!
Lastly, congratulations to Ethan Huang (GK), Boaz Hsu (G1), Queena Yang (G2), Chris Hsu (G4), Amber Pan (G5), Angel Hsin (G5), and Rachel Chen (G5) for winning the August Fruit of the Spirit Award for showing LOVE in action at MAK!
Hope to see parents and guardians at our future Chapels and Assemblies!
Coming Up:
9/22 – Chapel
9/29 – No school – Moon Festival Vacation

University Visits Fall 2023
9/21 – University of British Columbia @ 9:00am

Follow us on instagram!


Ticket Price
Early Bird (By 10/4): 499 N
Regular Ticket: 599 NT
Staff: 499 NT
Other Campus: 999 NT
Not only will this event be a time of joy and fun, you will also have chances of earning your class some juicy, tender, and succulent class points! We will be rewarding classes with the highest proposal rates class points (7, 5, 3, 1)! On top of this, there is going to be a bonus challenge in 3 categories:
– Most Creative Proposal
– Funniest Proposal
– Best Poster
The winner of each category will get a FREE TEA from StuCo!!! The winner will also earn their class +1 class point but that’s besides the point.

9/22-23 MS/HS TISSA Swimming Invitational @ MAC
10/4 Varsity Volleyball vs ICA @ ICA 4:00pm
Varsity Boys Soccer vs ICA @ ICA 4:00pm
10/14 TISSA Tennis Invitational
10/17 G7 & 8 Girls vs KAS @MAK 3:30pm

At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 4:00pm). You may also contact our MAK staff members by email.
學校非常重視與家長們之間的溝通,且致力服務您以及您的家人。如果您有任何的問題,請在辦公時間(週一至週五,早上7:30到下午4:00)直接致電學校辦公室 (07-356-1190)或電郵以下教職人員:
MAK OFFICE 學校辦公室 (General Inquiries 一般查詢) | 07-356-1190 |
Dr. Dan Kim Principal/校長 | |
Mr. Ashburn Chen Bus Coordinator/校車協調員 | 07-356-1190 ext. 62 |
Armaine Heraldo Health Coordinator/校護 | 07-356-1190 ext. 10 |
Angela Chu Admissions/入學組助理 | 07-356-1190 ext. 14 |
Joyce Lee Admin. Assistant/秘書 | 07-356-1190 ext. 13 |
Elisa Luk Admin. Assistant/秘書 | 07-356-1190 ext. 17 |
Connie Chang Cashier/出納 | 07-356-1190 ext. 15 |
Bill Lin General Manager/總務主任 | 07-356-1190 ext. 25 |
Karen Pai Public Relations/公關經理 | |
David Lee Elementary Team Leader/小學部長 | |
Michael Chan Middle School Team Leader/中學部長 EMS Counselor/中小學輔導主任 | |
Wade West High School Team Leader/高中部長 | |
Matt Newkirk High School Counselor/高中輔導主任 | |
Kate Shaffner Library Media Specialist圖書館媒體專任老師 | 07-356-1190 ext. 49 |
Previous MAK Messengers
2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 10/9-13 Fall Break 秋季假期 10/16 Q2 Begins第二季度開始 10/20 Parent Teacher Conferences親師座談會登記 10/21 High School Fall Banquet高中部晚會 Dear Parent/Guardian: 親愛的家長/監護人: The school is working with the local health bureau in regards to the government’s…
Read More2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 9/28 Half Day – School starts at 8:00am. Dismissal at 11:30am (Professional Learning Day)早上8點上課. 11點半下課 – 學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation (學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 10/9-13 Fall Break 秋季假期 10/16 Q2 Begins第二季度開始…
Read More2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 9/19-20 Yearbook Picture Day學生拍照日 9/28 Half Day – School starts at 8:00am, & ends at 11:30am. (Professional Learning Day)早上8點上課, 11:30下課 – 學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation (學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) University Visits…
Read More2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 9/8-10 VIDA 8 @ MAC 9/19-20 Yearbook Picture Day學生拍照日 9/28 Half Day (Professional Learning Day)學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation(學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 9/14 JV Girls Volleyball vs KAS @ KAS 4:00pm 9/16…
Read More2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 9/8-10 VIDA 8 @ MAC 9/19-20 Yearbook Picture Day 9/28 Half Day (Professional Learning Day)學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation(學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 9/2 MS Soccer Exchange @ MAC 9/16 HS Volleyball/Soccer Exchange…
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