September 16, 2021


Half Day for Teachers’ PL – Friday, September 17, 2021 
This is a reminder that Friday, September 17th will be a Half Day for Teachers’ PL Day. This is a system wide Professional Learning day for all teachers to meet, receive training, and learn from each other. School will be dismissed at 11:30AM and the school buses will leave at 11:45AM. There will be NO HIGH SCHOOL SHUTTLE on this day. 

教師專業教育訓練日 – 九月17日(五)半天

Hello MAK Parents!

Did you know we have updated our school’s website? To obtain the most current information about Morrison Academy Kaohsiung (including updated COVID-19 restrictions, Parent Campus Access, School Day Procedures, ASA & After School Athletics Program, etc.) please click on the Parents & Students tab and then on Family Resources.


我們學校的網頁更新了喔!如果想要知道更多關於馬禮遜的資訊,像是最新的防疫措施、家長入校規定、上課狀況、課後活動和體育活動,等資訊,請到我們的網頁點選 “Parents & Students” 後,再點選 “Family Resources” ,就能看到這些資訊。


Just a reminder that if you have too many library books at home, you can send library books back to school with your child at any time. Sometimes it’s good to send the books back a few at a time so that it’s not too heavy for younger children. Students can put the books back on the return cart in the library to be checked back in, or put books in the return bins in their classroom teacher’s room. 


The MAK HS Art Club is excited to host the annual Fall Art Competition! This year’s theme is “Love.” Love keeps our world spinning; there’s romantic love, love for nature, and even love for pizza! How do you express your love? 

The competition will be held on October 22, the day of the Parent Teacher Conference. All mediums are welcome! Please submit your artworks by September 27 to Mrs. Newkirk, Emily Griffin (12), Hope Yang (11), or Emily Wong (10).

Also, this year the Fall Art Competition will be judged based on three categories: Interpretation of Theme, Technique, and Creativity. Winners will receive prizes!

If there are any concerns, please contact MAK HS Art Club at Thank you! 

MAK的高中美術社非常榮幸能主辦這次的秋季美術比賽!此次比賽的主題將是 “愛” 。世界上所有的事情都離不開愛,不管是對於另一半、環境、或是披薩的愛!你平常都是怎麼表現你對你所喜愛事物的愛呢?

作品將會在10月22日親師座談會當天展示。我們接受任何媒材的作品。請在9月27日之前把作品交給美術老師Mrs. Newkirk、12年級生Emily Griffin、11年級生Hope Yang、或10年級生Emily Wong的其中一位。




High School Sports Update

Under current covid restrictions MAK sports teams are allowed to practice but are prohibited from participating in competitions with other schools. TISSA has made the decision that if government restrictions are in place 4 weeks from a respective tournament date, then that TISSA tournament is cancelled.  

Unless the government restrictions change then the HS Sports Exchange on September 25th will be cancelled.





Previous MAK Messengers

October 17th, 2019

  First Quarter is ending this week.  Next week, report cards will be available before Friday.  You can access your child’s report card electronically. Elementary School MasteryConnect reports will be delivered to you via email.  PowerSchool reports for all grades can be found in PowerSchool. Follow the steps below to…

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October 3rd, 2019

This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 4th will be a Morrison Academy Teachers’ Professional Learning Day and there will be no school for students tomorrow. This is a System-Wide Professional Learning Day for all teachers at Morrison Academy to meet, receive training, and learn from each other. 提醒您,明天(10/4,星期五)是馬禮遜的專業教育訓練日,學生毋須上學。這是整個馬禮遜學校系統提供給所有教師們的專業教育訓練日,是為了讓教師們可以聚在一起接受訓練並且彼此學習。…

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September 26th, 2019

RESERVED PARKING This is a reminder to all parents to NOT PARK nor BLOCK the Reserved Parking Space for those with disabilities at MAK unless you hold a disability parking permit. Thank you for your co-operation. 身障專用停車位 請家長體諒身障者的停車需求,若無專屬停車證,請勿佔用或擋住停車位。謝謝您的配合! We hope you like the printed MAK calendar. If you did not…

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September 19th, 2019

照相日 日期:9月 24 – 25 日 嘿!MAK! 照相日快到了喔!今年的背景色會比往年較淺,所以請在照相當日考慮適當穿著配色。 以下是每個年級的照相日期: 9/24 (星期二):K-5年級,9-12年級 9/25 (星期三):6-8年級   We would like to remind everyone that MAK is a no-smoking campus. Please remind your drivers that smoking is not allowed anywhere inside our school gate. 我們想提醒大家,MAK是一個無菸校園。 請提醒您的司機,進入校門後的所有地方都禁止吸菸的。 See You At The Pole is Wednesday, September…

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September 12th, 2019

TOMORROW, Friday, September 13: Online Learning Day (STUDENTS STAY HOME)  明天,9月13日(五): 線上學習日 (學生在家,毋需來校) Tomorrow, Friday, September 13, all Morrison campuses will be having our second Online Learning Day. On September 13, students will NOT be required to attend school, but they WILL be required to complete coursework through an online…

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