MAK Messenger Newsletters

2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆
MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆
10/4 Q1 Ends
10/5-6 No School (PL Days)
學生放假 (教職員訓練)
10/9-13 Fall Break
10/16 Q2 Begins
10/20 Parent Teacher Conferences
10/21 High School Fall Banquet

REMINDER/提醒:Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up 親師座談會登記 – Friday, October 20, 2023
Dear Parents,
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Friday, October 20, 2023. Signups will be emailed to you TODAY (10/4) at 11:00am.
Sign ups will NOT be available after 8:00 am on Wednesday, October 18th.
Babysitting will NOT be provided. If students choose to come, they must be with parents at all times. At the end of the scheduled conferences, parents may visit the MPR to view the Art Exhibition.
Since we have limited Chinese speaking staff, parents are encouraged to bring their own translators for the conferences, or contact to schedule a student translator.
Did you know we have an instagram page? Follow us to see what students life is like here at MAK!

Dear Parent/Guardian:
The school is working with the local health bureau in regards to the government’s Seasonal Flu Vaccination Program. If you are planning on having your child vaccinated, kindly pick up the forms at the MAK Front office and email me at with your child’s name and grade. Instructions can be found here.
學校正在與衛生局合作實施政府的季節性流感疫苗接種計畫。如果您打算讓您的孩子接種疫苗,您可以在學校的辦公室索取流感疫苗表格,並將孩子的名字於班級傳到電子信箱給我。 其他的資訊請參考這裡。
The government’s seasonal flu vaccination program will start From October 2 to November 30, 2023. You may have your child scheduled to get the flu vaccine during this time period. Please also take note that MAK’s fall break is approaching and is a good time for your child to get the flu vaccine.
After the vaccination is done, Kindly bring or have your child give the return slip to MAK’s school nurse.
疫苗接種完成後,請將粉紅色表格的「回覆聯」交給 MAK 的學校護士。
Thank you for your cooperation and prompt attention regarding this matter.
MAK Health Clinic.
高雄馬禮遜美國學校 健康中心

Follow us on instagram!

Morrison Invitational Swim Meet – Day 1
Last Friday our Sharks Swim team, “The Only Sharks that Swim”, visited Taichung for the annual TISSA Invitational Meet at MAC. Before the competition, our teams had the opportunity to participate in a service project, the Hero Games, in which our athletes along with swimmers from other schools worked together to provide a fun morning of water activities and games to children with special needs. It was great to see our students, with love and service in their hearts, work to MAKe a Difference in people’s lives!
Great work, Sharks!
Highlights from Day 1
Andrew W – 3rd 400 Freestyle, 2nd 200 Breaststroke
Audrey W – 2nd 400 Freestyle
Gracie W – 1st 200 Breaststroke
Recab D – 3rd 200 Breaststroke
Winny W – 2nd 200 Breaststroke
Riley N – 4th 200 Breaststroke
Caleb D – 4th 200 Breaststroke
Abby J – 4th 400 Freestyle
MS 400Medley Relay – 2nd Place
Laura, Gracie, Isabel, Phoebe
HS 400Medley Relay – 1st Place
Audrey, Abby, Winny, Nina
HS 400Medley Relay – 4th
Andrew, Recab, Caleb, Nathan
Morrison Invintational Swim Meet – Day 2
It was an awesome day of competition for our MS and HS swimmers! Facing athletes from 11 schools, our Girls team took 3rd place overall in team scoring while our Boys placed 6th! Amazing job, Sharks!!
Highlights from Day 2
Nina C – 4th 200 Freestyle, 4th 100 Backstroke
Audrey W – 2nd 100 Butterfly, 4th 100IM, 4th 100Freestyle, 4th 100 Breaststroke
Gracie W – 3rd 50 Breast
Abby J – 3rd 100 Backstroke
200 Freestyle Relay – 3rd Plac
Riley, Nina, Winny, Abby
HS 200Medley Relay – 3rd Place
Annalisa D, Nina C, Riley N, Abby J
MS 400 Freestyle Relay – 3rd Place
Isabel, Phoebe, Esther, Elissa
HS 400 Freestyle Relay – 1st Place
Winny W, Gracie W, Laura W, Audrey W
HS 400 Freestyle Relay – 3rd Place
Caleb D, Recab D, Michael H, Nathan J.
10/4 Varsity Volleyball vs ICA @ ICA 4:00pm CANCELLED CANCELLED
Varsity Boys Soccer vs ICA @ ICA 4:00pm
10/14 TISSA Tennis Invitational
10/17 G7 & 8 Girls vs KAS @MAK 3:30pm
10/19 JV Girls Volleyball vs KAS @ MAK 4:00pm
10/23 Varsity Girls Volleyball & Varsity Boys Soccer vs KAS @ KAS 4:00pm
10/24 JV Girls Volleyball vs AST @ AST at 4:00pm
10/25-28 ACSC Swim Meet @ Faith Academy, Manila, The Philippines
10/26 Varsity Boys Soccer vs IIS @ IIS at 3:45pm
10/27 Varsity Girls Volleyball vs IIS @ MAK at 4:00pm
JV Girls Volleyball vs IIS @ IIS at 3:30pm

Austin G6 placed third in the youth violin competition!

At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 4:00pm). You may also contact our MAK staff members by email.
學校非常重視與家長們之間的溝通,且致力服務您以及您的家人。如果您有任何的問題,請在辦公時間(週一至週五,早上7:30到下午4:00)直接致電學校辦公室 (07-356-1190)或電郵以下教職人員:
MAK OFFICE 學校辦公室 (General Inquiries 一般查詢) | 07-356-1190 |
Dr. Dan Kim Principal/校長 | |
Mr. Ashburn Chen Bus Coordinator/校車協調員 | 07-356-1190 ext. 62 |
Armaine Heraldo Health Coordinator/校護 | 07-356-1190 ext. 10 |
Angela Chu Admissions/入學組助理 | 07-356-1190 ext. 14 |
Joyce Lee Admin. Assistant/秘書 | 07-356-1190 ext. 13 |
Elisa Luk Admin. Assistant/秘書 | 07-356-1190 ext. 17 |
Connie Chang Cashier/出納 | 07-356-1190 ext. 15 |
Bill Lin General Manager/總務主任 | 07-356-1190 ext. 25 |
Karen Pai Public Relations/公關經理 | |
David Lee Elementary Team Leader/小學部長 | |
Michael Chan Middle School Team Leader/中學部長 EMS Counselor/中小學輔導主任 | |
Wade West High School Team Leader/高中部長 | |
Matt Newkirk High School Counselor/高中輔導主任 | |
Kate Shaffner Library Media Specialist圖書館媒體專任老師 | 07-356-1190 ext. 49 |
Previous MAK Messengers
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