October 5, 2022
10/5 Q1 Ends
10/6-7 No School – Professional Learning
10/10-14 Fall Vacation
10/17 Q2 Begins
10/21 No School – Parent Teacher Conferences
10/29 Family Day
11/14-18 Impact Week (G6-12)
11/23 Half Day – Professional Learning
11/24-25 American Thanksgiving Vacation
Q1 Parent Teacher Conference 第一季親師座談會
Dear Parents,
The Quarter 1 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in-person on Friday, October 21, 2022.
Once again, we are providing online sign-up forms so each of you can sign up for a time slot most convenient for you to speak to teachers.
These appointments are entirely voluntary. If parents do not feel the need to speak to a teacher, there is no obligation to make an appointment. Sign-ups will be available & emailed to parents on Wednesday, October 12 at 8:00am, and will be closed at 8:00am on Wednesday, October 19.
Babysitting will NOT be provided. If students choose to come, they must be with parents at all times. At the end of the scheduled conferences, parents may visit the MPR to view the Art Exhibition.
Since we have limited Chinese speaking staff, parents are encouraged to bring their own translators for the conferences, or contact makoffice@ma.org.tw to schedule a student translator.
我們將再次採取線上報名,以便您可以預約一個最方便與老師交談的時間。 親師座談會完全是自發的,如果您覺得沒有必要與老師交談,則毋須預約。
學校會說中文的人員有限,若您有需要,鼓勵您自行攜帶翻譯人員一同與會,或聯絡 makoffice@ma.org.tw,將為您安排學生幫您翻譯。
Family Day is finally here on Oct 29, 2022, Sat at 1 – 4pm.
The purpose of the Family Day is to provide entertainment for the community, families, and friends to enjoy an afternoon together. Family Day will give the Junior class an opportunity to fundraise for their Service trips.
There are a few ways you can be involved in Family Day as follows: –
家庭日終於要在 十月29號, 星期六,下午一點到四點開辦了!
家庭日的目的是為了MAK 社區的家人一起享受並交流情感的日子,也提供了11年級生籌募社區服務之旅基金的機會。
Volunteer sign up!! 徵募志工!!
Setting up a Booth for games/food 攤位
Donation 捐贈公司產品
(All proceeds or profit will go to the service trip. 所有的營收將會成為服務之旅的基金)
Performance 舞台表演
If you would like to any queries about Family Day, kindly contact Ms Krystine via LINE: krystinetkl or tankr@mca.org.tw
如果您對家庭日有任何的問題,請透過 LINE: krystinetkl 或是 tankr@mca.org.tw 聯繫 Ms. Krystine Tan.
More detail informations will be sent out through email.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
I want to get your help on an exciting event in the life of our school. Morrison is in the process of administering the Flourishing School Culture Instrument in conjunction with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). This study will help us gain insights on our school culture that can inform our future planning efforts, as well as provide a picture of our school’s unique strengths.
Since the flourishing of our community is important, we are asking you to go to the Flourishing Schools Parent Survey and complete the questions by November 4th. This process should require somewhere between 5-10 minutes for you to complete and we have found that, in general, your first impression is the most accurate, so there’s no need to over-analyze individual questions. Your response is anonymous and will not be tracked to you personally, so please offer your honest insight.
Since this survey is being administered by ACSI in the US, it is currently not available in Chinese. We apologize for any extra time this may cause and ask you to answer the questions to the best of your ability using Google translate or some other translation application if needed. We greatly appreciate and value your participation in this survey and encourage you to provide your perspective.
Students (grades 6–12), faculty, school staff, administration, school board, parents, and alumni will all participate in the web-based assessment for our school. The end product of this process will be a school-level report showing Morrison’s FSCI results benchmarked alongside US averages. It is our hope that this evaluation will provide important information as we can continue to provide a quality education within a caring community.
Please be in prayer for the school as we undergo this process and as we get information that will help all of us better serve Christ and others. Thank you for your (anonymous) participation in making this endeavor a success.Thanks,
親愛的家長/監護人: 大家好!
馬禮遜學校目前與美國的評鑑機構 ACSI 共同進行一項評估「學校文化成長」的研究,我們需要您的協助! 此項研究將有助我們深入了解學校文化,並提供我們未來的規劃方向,以及展現我們獨特的優勢。
學校社群的成長非常重要,盼望您能於11月4日前,花5-10分鐘上網填寫問卷 Flourishing Schools Parent Survey。我們發現通常您的第一印象是最準確的,所以不需要過度分析問卷中的個別問題。這是一份不記名的問卷,不會有人追溯查詢作答者是誰,所以請放心提供您真實的看法。
因為這份問卷是由美國的 ACSI 設計,所以目前沒有中文版,也無法以中文回答。我們很抱歉可能因為語言的關係,您需要花比較多時間作答,也希望您盡可能回答其中的問題。如果需要,您可以使用 Google 翻譯或其他翻譯應用程式協助。我們非常感謝您的寶貴時間,也看重您的參與,真心希望您能提供想法與意見。
Julie Heinsman
Superintendent 總校長
Greetings Parents and Guardians,
This is a friendly reminder that MAK will have no school on October 6th and 7th, 2022. Also, please note that Wednesday, October 5th, will be a full instructional day, as dismissal will be at its regular time of 3:15 pm.
The following week (October 10-14) will be Morrison’s Fall vacation. I wish your family a safe time of rest. When returning to school on Monday, October 17th, please practice self-health awareness by monitoring your child’s temperatures and symptoms at home and not sending them to school if they are experiencing any symptoms of an illness.
Thank you for your cooperation, and attached to this email is Morrison’s school calendar.
Dr. Kim
溫馨提醒,MAK 將於 2022 年 10 月 6 日至 7 日放假兩天。另外,提醒 10 月 5 日(星期三)將是一個完整的教學日,放學時間依舊是下午 3:15。
接下來的一週(10 月 10 日至 14 日)為馬禮遜的秋季假期。祝您的家人有一個美好的假期。於 10 月 17 日(星期一)上學前,請務必積極實行自我健康監測,多加關注孩子們的體溫和症狀,若出現任何症狀,請勿到校上課。
校長 金德民 博士 敬啟
Flu Vaccine
If you would like to get your child a flu shot, you can pick up the flu shot forms in the MAK front office or click here for Class K and here for classes G1-G12. MAK Health has also distributed flu shot forms to all grade levels on Tuesday, October 4.
Once you receive the forms, please read these instructions, be sure to fill them out completely, and bring the forms and your child’s health insurance card to your local clinic to receive the flu shot. (Does not apply to kindergarten students, as they will need to bring the forms and their health insurance card and yellow child health booklet to their local clinic)
After your child has received the flu vaccine, please return the certificate to the MAK Health Clinic, which will update the student’s health record.
Thank you.
MAK Health Clinic
Two of our MAK students competed in the TISSA HS Tennis Tournament this past weekend! Ian Lin (G7) record 3rd place overall. Winny Wang (G8) placed 4th in her group play. Great job sharks!
The Varsity Girls Volleyball team was back in action last Friday, facing the KAS Dragons at home. KAS put up a tough fight, especially in a hard-fought second set in which KAS came from behind to take the set point. Ultimately, their dragonfire was quenched in the Shark Tank as our Sharks prevailed 3-1 (25-11; 26-28; 25-17; 25-9).
Our JV Girls Volleyball team traveled to KAS last Friday afternoon for a rendezvous with some Dragons. A good mid-season struggle ensued with our young but talented Sharks taking the victory 2-0 (25-16; 25-22). Way to go, Sharks!
Varsity Boys Soccer came off their win on Wednesday to face a tough challenge from the KAS Dragons on Friday afternoon in a friendly match at MAK. The Sharks fought their way to a 3-3 tie, but unfortunately conceded two late goals to lose 3-5. Defeat is a better teacher than victory. Sharks Soccer looks forward to its next challenge!
The 8th grade boys got their first win in a friendly scrimmage against I-Shou International School on Tuesday. It was a very strong performance from the Sharks winning 16-1. Yuki Shibata scored 4 goals, Jadon Tang got a hat trick of his own and nearly every other player on the squad was able to chip in with a goal or two. The Sharks defense was solid throughout with one small lapse allowing I-Shou to score a long range effort off the post but our Shark goalkeepers spent most of the match with little to do.
The 8th grade girls beat KAS 8-1. The new student Jackie Lin scored 3 goals and Phoebe Liou scored 4 and Audrey Xue scored 1. The girls played with enthusiasm and collaborated well with each other. They definitely out played the dragons in all areas.
Upcoming Games
(3:45pm) JV Girls Volleyball vs IIS
(3:20pm) 8th Boys vs IIS @ MAK F1
6th Boys vs IIS @ MAK F3
(4:00pm) JV Girls Volleyball vs KAS
(4:00pm) Varsity Boys Soccer vs KAS @ MAK
(4:00pm) Varsity Girls Volleyball @ KAS
(3:20pm) 8th Boys vs KAS @ MAK F1
10/22 MS Soccer Exchange @ MAC
(3:45pm) Varsity Boys Soccer vs IIS @ MAK
(3:45pm) Varsity Girls Volleyball vs IIS @ MAK
(3:20pm) 8th Girls vs KAS @ KAS
(4:00pm) MAK vs AST @ MAK
(3:20pm) 8th Boys vs KAS @ KAS
11/12 MS Soccer TISSA tournament
Thank you so much to the many parents and students who participated in the Birthday Book Club this year! Your donation helps us to bring even more new and relevant books into our MAK library. Students really enjoyed picking out their Birthday Book Club Books, being the first person to check them out, and seeing their photos and names in their books! Thank you for your support of the MAK library!
Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to https://world-schools.scholastic.co.uk/morrison-academy-schkaohsiung/digital-book-club to browse the latest books and order online. For every $1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20¢ in Scholastic Rewards.
Please place your order online by October 17th, 2022.
The annual Fall Art Competition is back! This year’s theme is “Connections”, which was inspired by our school theme this year: The Morrison Family. The Exhibition will be on Oct. 25, the day of the Parent Teacher Conference, parents are welcome to come and take pictures of your kids’ work! All mediums are welcomed to be used. Please submit your artwork to Mrs. Newkirk, Hope Yang(12), Emily Wong(11), or Daisy Chuang(10) by Sep. 26 (Monday). If there are any concerns, please contact MAK HS Art Club at makartclub@mca.org.tw. Thank you!
馬禮遜高中美術社要在10/25 (家長座談日)舉行秋季畫展!今年的主題是「連結」。作品會在MPR展出,家長們要記得來看喔! 學生們,請於9/26號之前把作品交給Mrs. Newkirk, Hope Yang(12), Emily Wong(11), or Daisy Chuang(10). 若有任何問題,請問MAK HS Art Club makartclub@mca.org.tw. 謝謝你!
Previous MAK Messengers
“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 1/3 Q3, S2 Begins 第二學期開始 1/7-9 VIDA Retreat 1/18-19 Yearbook Photo Retake & Class Photo 年鑑照片重拍 & 班級照片 1/21 Olympic Day 奧林匹克日 1/28 Half…
Read More“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 12/16 Combined Chapel 聯合禮拜 12/17 Half Day (PL), Q2 Ends 學生上半天,第二學期結束Middle School CSL 中學基督精神學習日 12/20-31 Christmas Break 聖誕節假期 1/3 Q3, S2 Begins 第二學期開始 1/7-9…
Read More“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 12/2 ES Christmas Concert 小學聖誕音樂會 (ASA Cancelled/取消) 12/7 Sophomore Field Trip 10年級戶外教學 12/8 5th Grade Field Trip 五年級戶外教學 12/9 MS & HS Christmas Concert…
Read More“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/24 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天 (Reminder: Buses leave at 11:45am! 提醒: 校車11:45am 離開!) 11/25-26 No School (Thanksgiving Vacation) 美國感恩節假期 12/2 ES Christmas Concert 小學聖誕音樂會…
Read More“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/15-19 Impact Trips9th Grade: Choose Responsibility- Taitung & Green Island10th Grade: Lead with Character- Mountain Trek along the Xiakelo Historic Trail11th Grade: Serve Others-…
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