November 23, 2022


“Be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.”

1 Peter 3:8 NLT

School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

11/23 Half Day – Professional Learning

11/24-25 American Thanksgiving Vacation


11/28 PAC Meeting

12/1 ES Christmas Concert

12/8 Secondary Christmas Concert

12/13-15 HS Final Exams

12/15 ASA Ends

12/16 Q2 & S1 Ends
Half Day – Professional Learning

Progress Reports

Progress reports will be sent via email today (11/23). Not every student will receive a progress report. If parents have a received an email, please login to PowerSchool to see the report by clicking on “Teacher’s Comments” on the left hand side of the screen.

Dear Parents,

A paper and electronic copy of the Spring 2022-23 semester tuition statement and a letter from our CFO Matt Sawatzky was mailed to you on Nov. 11th. If you selected the paperless option in your registration form in PowerSchool, you will not receive a bill in the mail. To pay by Taiwan credit card, you may go directly to the following website: or see the bill for other payment methods. Please complete the payment by Dec 1st, 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the Spring 2022-23 semester tuition statement or would like to make any changes to the milk and lunch program, please email

親愛的家長, 我們在11月11日已經寄出了紙本、電子2022-23春季學費帳單以及財務長Matt Sawatzky的信給您。如果您在PowerSchool的註冊表單中選擇不要紙本帳單,您將不會另外收到紙本帳單。如欲使用台灣銀行發行的信用卡繳費, 可以直接點選網址 進行繳費。其他繳費方法請看學費單下方的“Payment Methods”。2022-23春學費帳單截止日為2022年12月1日


Yearbook Picture Ordering

2 options (of the same price – 450NTD, and parents can pay via Line or bank transfer):

Payment information: 

Line ID (LinePay): krystal199401

Bank Account: Taishin Bank Kaohsiung Branch 台新銀行 高雄分行 (812)Account No. 帳號: 28881001670664
Account Name 戶名: 羅韻儀

Additional information can be found on the package ordering page at:

Password: sharks

Packages will only be delivered after payment. 

Option 1 選擇 1- the usual packages (we will deliver to school)

– a group photo 合照– 1 picture 4″ x 6″
– a headshot 大頭照 – 1 picture 8″ x 12″ + 3 pictures 4″ x 6″ + 6 wallet size photos

Option 2 選擇 2- soft copies

– 2 group photos 兩張合照

– 1 headshot 一張大頭照

We thank God for the project he has brought our way, and are happy to share with you this year’s Giving Project! Our MAK Family will have an opportunity to bless our neighbors in the Jia Cheng community with Winter Care Packages. Due to their poor living conditions and financial strain, many of them do not have basic necessities for the coming winter weather. Our teachers have been working closely with a social worker from this area, visiting low-income, high needs seniors in Jia Cheng community. Each class, K-12, will “Sponsor a Senior” in need and put together a Care Package for the senior based on their wish list. Students will also have a chance to think of other ways they can bless the seniors as we grow in understanding what a “lifestyle of service” is. The Giving Project has already begun, and we hope to complete the packages before Christmas break. In the future, we hope to continue partnering with our local community workers to meet the ongoing needs of these seniors and others as needs arise. Stay tuned for more details in the future!

Middle School TISSA Results – SOCCER

Great job Sharks!!

Grade 6 Girls – 1st Place

Grade 6 Boys – 3rd Place

Grade 7 Girls – 4th Place

Grade 8 Girls – 3rd Place

Grade 7/8 Boys – 4th Place

Upcoming Games

11/30 Wednesday
3:00pm JV Girls Basketball vs KAS @ KAS
4:00pm Varsity Boys Basketball vs KAS @ KAS

12/6 Tuesday
3:30pm JV Girls Basketball vs IIS @ IIS
3:30pm Varsity Boys Basketball vs IIS @ IIS

Dear Elementary Parents and Guardians,

Students are excitedly preparing for the Christmas concert coming up on Thursday, December 1st.  The concert performance time will be from 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm.  School buses will be leaving at 4:25 pm. They will be singing and playing various instruments on the concert day. Please mark your calendar for this special event!

Here are a few announcements:

  1. Please prepare concert clothing for your children to change into before the concert. Plan on wearing Red, Green, Black or White. There’s no specific requirement of clothing style, but students should keep the following guidelines in mind when picking their concert attire:
  • Wear Christmas colored tops
  • Wear long pants
  • Wear knee-length skirts or dresses
  • Wear closed-toes shoes

 → Click here to see photos from the previous concerts

  1. Please remind your children to bring their instruments to school.
  2. After the concert, please remember to sign out at the front office if your children will not be riding the bus. School buses will depart at 4:25 pm.
  3. Parents attending the concert must wear a mask at all times and follow all Covid-19 government regulations. 

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Miss Mai ( or Miss Pan ( We look forward to seeing you!

Thank you,

Ms. Mai and Ms. Pan

This past weekend, MAK’s High School Robotics Team competed in the 2022-23 Vex V5 Taiwan Open in Hsinchu. MAK had a total of two teams compete in this tournament. 

The school would like to recognize the Robotics team members who participated in this event:

– Hayden (Gr. 10)

– Shane (Gr. 10)

– Brian (Gr. 11)

– Daragh (Gr. 11) 

– Elizabeth (Gr. 11)

– Jonathan (Gr. 11)

– Sean (Gr. 11)

– Claire (Gr. 12)

– Yi En (Gr. 12)

– Hope (Gr. 12)

Congratulations to the MAK Robotics Team, and a special shout out to Team A for advancing to the quarterfinals.

Upcoming Events

12/2-3 Formosa VEX V5 Taiwan Open Qualifier in 成功國中

Previous MAK Messengers

January 6, 2022

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 1/3 Q3, S2 Begins 第二學期開始 1/7-9 VIDA Retreat 1/18-19 Yearbook Photo Retake & Class Photo 年鑑照片重拍 & 班級照片 1/21 Olympic Day 奧林匹克日 1/28 Half…

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December 16, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 12/16 Combined Chapel 聯合禮拜 12/17 Half Day (PL), Q2 Ends 學生上半天,第二學期結束Middle School CSL 中學基督精神學習日 12/20-31 Christmas Break 聖誕節假期 1/3 Q3, S2 Begins 第二學期開始 1/7-9…

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December 2, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 12/2 ES Christmas Concert 小學聖誕音樂會 (ASA Cancelled/取消) 12/7 Sophomore Field Trip 10年級戶外教學 12/8 5th Grade Field Trip 五年級戶外教學 12/9 MS & HS Christmas Concert…

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November 24, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/24 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天 (Reminder: Buses leave at 11:45am! 提醒: 校車11:45am 離開!) 11/25-26 No School (Thanksgiving Vacation) 美國感恩節假期 12/2 ES Christmas Concert 小學聖誕音樂會…

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November 18, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/15-19 Impact Trips9th Grade: Choose Responsibility- Taitung & Green Island10th Grade: Lead with Character- Mountain Trek along the Xiakelo Historic Trail11th Grade: Serve Others-…

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