May 26, 2022
5/26 HS Awards Ceremony [postponed TBA]
5/28 MAK Commencement @ 2:30 PM
5/30 Covid-19 Student Vaccination @ 1:30 PM
6/2 5th & 8th Grade Graduation
6/3 Half Day, End of Year Celebration
Covid-19 Student Vaccination
Morrison Academy Kaohsiung (MAK) has been notified by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) regarding the availability of the Pfizer-BioNT Covid-19 vaccination/booster for children ages 5 to 17 years old. In recognizing the distribution of the vaccine/booster as a family-school community service, MAK will assist the CECC. Children ages 5 – 17 will be eligible to receive the vaccine/booster on Monday, May 30th, 2022, from 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm in the MPR.
On the day of the vaccination (5/30/2022 ), the student or parent must bring the student’s health insurance card, ARC, and a yellow card for the vaccination.
***In order for your child to receive the Covid-19 vaccine at MAK, one parent or guardian must be present at school. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that elementary students feel safe and secure when receiving the vaccine. By having one parent or guardian present, the goal is to reduce any fears and make the child feel comfortable. After the child has received the vaccine, parents or guardians are to sign out their child and go home.***
When elementary parents or guardians arrive at MAK, please social distance by staying with your child only and adhering to all Covid-19 government regulations:
- Wear a mask at all times and sanitize your hands
- Conduct a temperature check
- Complete a health declaration form
Middle school and high school students may receive the Pfizer-BioNT Covid-19 vaccine/booster at MAK independently without a parent or guardian present at school. After your child gets the vaccine/booster, they may return to their class.
*Children ages 12 (May 27, 2010) and above may receive their second jab after 12 weeks of receiving their first Covid-19 vaccine.
**Children ages 12 (May 27, 2010) and above may receive a booster (Pfizer-BioNTech) at least 5-months after completing their second Covid-19 vaccine jab.
After vaccination, please stay at MPR for at least 15 minutes. If you feel uncomfortable afterward, please tell the doctor and nurses in the vaccination area.
Precautions before vaccination:
- Do not stay up late the day before.
- Students should not fast prior to vaccination.
- Encourage students to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to avoid post-vaccination dizziness caused by fasting and dehydration.
- Wear loose-fitting, short-sleeved clothing.
- Make sure students do not feel uncomfortable before vaccination.
- In case of discomfort, it is recommended to wait until the condition has stabilized before vaccination.
***為了讓輝瑞BNT疫苗接種事宜順利進行,一位家長或監護人必須到校陪伴。此要求的目的在於確保學童在接種疫苗時可以覺得安全以及安心。讓一位家長來陪同,主要是為了減少任何因接種疫苗可能產生的恐懼及害怕,並且讓學童能夠有安全感。感謝您的配合。當小孩完成疫苗接種,家長將小孩帶回家休息。 ***
- 全程配戴口罩並進行手部消毒
- 測量體溫
- 填寫健康聲明書
- 前一天不要熬夜。
- 學生在接種疫苗前不要禁食。
- 鼓勵學生均衡飲食,多喝水,以避免接種後因空腹和脱水引起的頭暈。
- 穿着寬鬆的短袖。
- 確保學生在接種疫苗前没有不適感。
- 如有不適,建議等到病情穩定後再接種。
The wait is over! Here’s the link to our 2022 yearbook promo video.
From the MS AD
Please plan on returning your child’s MS sports uniform on Monday, May 30th.
Uniforms can be turned into Mr. Gregg.
Here’s the video of our Secondary Spring Concert!
Reserve your spot today!
MAK’s National English Honor Society (NEHS) is proud to present the digitized Shark Review!
Find the newest issue of the Shark Review, In Retrospect, featuring works from MAK students K-12 and staff! The website also includes articles from students and a collection of humanities resources for those interested in learning more!
Check it out here!
高中文學社團 (NEHS) 很榮幸推出 MAK 文學雜誌 Shark Review 的網站!
最新一期 In Retrospect 《回顧》,以 MAK 學生 (K-12) 和教職員工的作品集為主。網站整合了學生的文章和一系列關於寫作的資料,目的是為了倡導文藝教育。
Previous MAK Messengers
2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 10/9-13 Fall Break 秋季假期 10/16 Q2 Begins第二季度開始 10/20 Parent Teacher Conferences親師座談會登記 10/21 High School Fall Banquet高中部晚會 Dear Parent/Guardian: 親愛的家長/監護人: The school is working with the local health bureau in regards to the government’s…
Read More2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 9/28 Half Day – School starts at 8:00am. Dismissal at 11:30am (Professional Learning Day)早上8點上課. 11點半下課 – 學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation (學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 10/9-13 Fall Break 秋季假期 10/16 Q2 Begins第二季度開始…
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