March 3, 2023


School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

3/2-4 HS Music Festival @ MAC

3/17 Life Day
Q3 Ends

3/20 Q4 Begins

3/24 No School, Parent Teacher Conference

3/25 Talent Show

3/30 ES Spring Concert @ 3:20-4:15pm

3/31 PL Half Day (11:30am dismissal)

Hey MAK Community! Do you know anyone who is looking to join our Morrison Family and would like to learn more? Application season has now begun for K-12 students! Check this out! Application season has now begun for K-12 students! Apply here!

2022-2023 MAK Annual Fund

Dear MAK Parents and Guardians,

The Annual Fund is an exciting time when we can come together as a community to enhance our students’ learning experience and environment.  By working together, the Annual Fund is an opportunity for our community to give generously and take ownership of the school facilities.  

Our goal for this year’s Annual Fund is to raise 1,000,000 NT with a 100% participation rate from Monday, February 6th through Friday, April 28th, 2023.  We hope everyone can maximize this opportunity to “MAKe a Difference” for our school.  The Annual Fund will renovate and update the Covered Play Area (CPA).

In renovating the CPA, the goal will be to make the space more usable and functional by adding the following: 

  1. New acrylic athletic surface for P.E., ASA, MS/HS athletics (i.e., significantly less dust)
  2. Storage for P.E. Equipment 
  3. Audio and visual improvements for chapel and staff orientations
  4. “And More”

Please pray and consider how you would like to contribute to this year’s Annual Fund.  We appreciate all and any contributions made by our community.  If you have any questions about giving to the Annual Fund, or if you need a donation reciept, please contact the school’s cashier, Ms. Connie Chang

Thank you for your generous support – Let’s Go, Sharks!


Dr. Kim

2022-23 年度基金計畫


我們今年的年度基金計劃目標是希望能在2月6日(一)到4月28日(五)期間,募得新台幣一百萬元整。我們期盼每個人都能好好利用這個機會,為我們學校“MAKe a Difference”。將使用年度基金來裝潢及改善 Covered Play Area (CPA)。


  1. 體育館(CPA)將換新地板給體育課, ASA, 國高中 (像減少灰塵)
  2. 收納體育器材
  3. 學校做禮拜還有老師會議場所的視聽改善


感謝您的慷慨支持!拼了! Sharks!

校長 金德民 教育博士  敬謝



Dr. Kim

Click Here to Give!


Starting March 3rd, MAK will once again be hosting “TGIF” – Thank God It’s Friday!

TGIF is an optional activity for students to attend from 3:30-5:30 on Friday afternoons. During TGIF, the middle school students will have the opportunity to spend time having fun as they grow in community and investing in reading the Bible more personally together.  The goal is for kids to have a less structured time to grow in their faith and enjoy God’s community at Morrison, or just learn more about God! We will have large organized games, chill social time, Bible study time, guest speakers… you name it!

The plan will be to run TGIF every Friday, with exceptions of conflicting events such as sport, concerts, and school half days. Occasionally, we will run larger events that will go further into the evening. Due to the Middle school hangout, that means that the second TGIF will be on March 17th.

High School Upcoming Games

JV Boys Vball vs IIS @ MAK 3:45pm

JV Boys Vball vs KAS @ MAK 3:45pm

Varsity Boys Vball vs KAS @ MAK 3:45pm

JV Boys Vball vs ICA @ ICA 4:00pm
Varsity Boys Vball vs ICA @ ICA 4:00pm

JV Boys Vball vs AST @ MAK 4:30pm

Middle School Upcoming Games

MS Tissa Tournament
G6 Girls @ KAS
G6 Boys @ MAK
G7 Girls @ MAC
G7 Boys @ MAC
G8 GIrls @ TES
G8 Boys @ TES

Middle School CSL (Christian Service Learning)

Click here to see photos from our Middle School CSL last week!

Counseling Center Event March 16 at 2pm, Advanced Placement and High School Course Selection.

Join Mr. Newkirk on March 16th to learn about MAK’s Advanced Placement program. He will cover what it is, how students apply for courses, the coursework expectations, and how AP fits with university applications.  The session will also review how course selection works at MAK as we look forward to the 23-24 school year. 

Mr. Newkirk

The MAK HS Art Club and the MAK HS Photography Club are collaborating to host the Annual Spring Visual Art Competition! This year’s theme is open ended. The top 3 place winners of the art competition will be awarded to ES, MS, and HS. The Exhibition will be held on March 24, the day of the Parent Teacher Conference. 

All mediums are welcomed but photographs will be judged separately by the Photography Club. Students, please submit your works to Mrs. Newkirk, Hope Yang (12), Daisy Chuang (10) by 2/20. If there are any concerns, please contact MAK HS Art Club at Thank you! 

Photography Club will be sponsoring the Photo Contest portion of the Visual Arts competition. Photos can be submitted via Google Forms and will be printed and mounted by the Photography Club. All participants will receive the physical copy of their photo after the competition is over. 

馬禮遜高中美術社和攝影社今年將合作舉辦春季視覺藝術比賽 !今年沒有主題,請學生們自由發揮。作品會在3/24,家長座談會當天展示,家長們要記得來看喔!學生們的美術作品和攝影作品將分開比賽和排名。攝影社會將學生們的作品印出來展覽,並且比賽結束會贈送給學生。如果要參加攝影比賽,請於這裡報名。美術作品請在2/20之前交給 Mrs. Newkirk, Hope Yang (12), Daisy Chuang (10)即可參加。若有任何問題,請洽

Math Club Pi Day (3/14) is coming soon!  This year, we are selling chocolate mousse, raspberry, and apple crumb pies. All proceeds will go towards planning out annual Math Competition and future club events! The pre-order form will be closed on Friday (3/10) at 3:15pm.

For those of you who ordered pies, they will be available for pick-up in the MPR for lunchtime orders (12:10 pm) and outside the front office for after-school orders (4:15 pm). Please remember to bring payment with you or send it with your child to pay when picking up. If it is possible, please prepare exact change for your child, especially younger children. Thank you for supporting Math Club!!  

**There will be a limited additional supply of each pie available for purchase on Tuesday for those who did not pre-order!

π (3.14) 日即將到來! 今年,我們有賣覆盆子、巧克力慕斯、和蘋果派。 這次的收益將用於數學競賽與之後的社團活動。預購表格將於週五 (3/10) 下午 3:15 結束,請在結束前用這個表單下訂

預購的派可於午餐時間在 MPR取貨或放學時在辦公室前面取貨,請交代您的孩子在取貨時付款。如果可以的話,請準備剛好的金額給您的孩子,減輕找錢的麻煩。




At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 4:00pm). You may also contact our MAK staff members by email. 


學校非常重視與家長們之間的溝通,且致力服務您以及您的家人。如果您有任何的問題,請在辦公時間(週一至週五,早上7:30到下午4:00)直接致電學校辦公室 (07-356-1190)或電郵以下教職人員:

(General Inquiries 一般查詢)
Dr. Dan Kim
I-Lan Liu
Health Coordinator/健康協調者
Angela Chu
Joyce Lee
Admin. Assistant/秘書
Wynne Luk
Admin. Assistant/秘書
Connie Chang
Bill Lin
General Manager/總務主任
Krystine Tan
Public Relations/公關經理
David Lee
Elementary Team Leader/小學部長
Michael Chan
Middle School Team Leader/中學部長
EMS Counselor/中小學輔導主任
Wade West
High School Team Leader/高中部長
Matt Newkirk
High School Counselor/高中輔導主任
Christina Stowers
Library Media Specialist圖書館媒體專任老師

Previous MAK Messengers

May 13, 2021

To protect the health of our community, the MAK campus is closed to visitors. This includes parents except those with appointments. We ask that you do not enter any school buildings unless you have an appointment.  If you have an appointment, please stop at the front office to sign in,…

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May 6, 2021

Tuition bill for Fall 2021-22 Semester 要繳2021-22秋季的學費囉 Our tuition bill for Fall 2021-22 semester was sent out on April 22nd, 2021 and payment is due by Friday, May 14th, 2021. In addition to the paper copy of the Fall 2021-22 semester tuition statement mailed to you, a PDF version of…

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April 29, 2021

Dear Middle School Parents and Students,  The Morrison Middle School Festival Day is happening tomorrow, Friday, April 30! Here is the updated bus information. Departure: For your convenience, we have added two more bus pick-up and drop-off locations for this Friday by Queen Bus.  The scheduled stops are as follows:…

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April 22, 2021

Dear Middle School Parents and Students,  The Morrison Middle School Festival Day is coming soon on Friday, April 30!  All Middle School students from all campuses will be attending this event at the Morrison Academy Taichung campus.  Please click on this link to find out more information and what your…

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April 15, 2021

MAK ANNUAL FUND 2021 – MAK 2021年度募款計畫 This year our annual fund project is the library. Please check out our Library Annual Fund Webpage for information about the project and for ways you can partner with us. 今年的年度募款計畫是圖書館翻新。 詳情以及捐款方式請至我們的 圖書館年度募款計畫官網 查閱。 圖書獎獎牌設計比賽! 學校的圖書館媒體專員們邀請您來重新設計圖書獎的獎牌! 規則: 必須是原創設計,請勿抄襲。 可使用電腦設計。 參加就有機會可獲得新台幣3000元獎金,可用於敦煌書局或是亞馬遜網站! 截止日期:2021年五月1日(六) 繳交給 This…

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