March 10, 2022


“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”

Jeremiah 31:3

School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

3/12 Talent Show 達人秀 (6-8pm)

3/18 Q3 Ends 第三學季結束

3/21 Q4 Begins 第四學季開始

3/25 Parent Teacher Conferences 親師座談會

3/26 Family Day

4/1 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天

4/2-3 No Activity Weekend

4/4-5 Children’s Day Vacation 兒童節

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday, March 25, 2022 and the sign-up forms will be made available starting Friday, March 18, 2022 between 9:00am to 10:00am. A separate email will be sent to all MAK parents with the link at that time. Please also note that sign-ups will be CLOSED at 8:00am on Thursday, March 24 in order to allow teachers to prepare for the conferences. NO signups will be available after 8:00am on Thursday, March 24.

The school will not provide child supervision during the Parent-Teacher Conference.  Your children should be with you at all times.  Parents are not permitted to drop off children at the library or anywhere on campus unattended. The school encourages students in kindergarten through 12th grade to accompany you to the Parent-Teacher Conference.  




Middle School

Q3 scores will be updated and class comments available on March 18th. We invite you to this year’s spring parent-teacher conferences scheduled for March 25th. More information will be sent out by MAK’s front office. Hope to see you there. Your kids are doing great!!

Middle School Event

Event Name : MS CSL-Hero games
Event time: 3/14 PM ( Monday )
Taiwan Sunshine
Renwu Special Education School
Morrison American School of Kaohsiung

Here is a website that contains a partial record of CSL activities over the past couple of years.


This year we will once again have an auction in which parents can bid for a spot in the school parking lot during Family Day and have their car washed by the 11th grade class!  This auction is voluntary and all proceeds will go to the 11th grade Service Trip fund. Our 11th grade classes are always excited to serve communities in southern Taiwan on their Impact Trip every year.

Only guests who bid and win will have access to the school parking lot during Family Day! All other vehicles will have to park outside the gate so be sure and bid high to support the Juniors.  The car wash is optional, you can select to simply have the parking spot, but it would be the 11th graders pleasure to wash your car to show you our appreciation for your bid. Spots are limited!!  You can sign up and place your bid on this Parking Permit & Car Wash Auction form.  Bids are due by Monday, March 21 at 11:59pm. Winners will be notified by email!  Please pay at the school office to collect your parking permit which you will need to enter the gate on Family Day! Thank you!


Let’s MAKe a Difference – 2021-22 Annual Fund:

The Annual Fund is an exciting time when we can come together as a community to enhance our students’ learning experience and environment.  Indeed, the Annual Fund is an opportunity for our community to generously give and take ownership of the school facilities.  

Our goal for this year’s Annual Fund is to raise 800,000 NT with a 100% participation rate from Monday, March 7th through Friday, May 20th, 2022.  We hope everyone can maximize this opportunity to “MAKe a Difference” for our school.  The Annual Fund will purchase school furniture to furnish the elementary, middle school, and high school common area spaces throughout the campus.

Here are the rooms we hope to furnish with new furniture:

Lower-Level ElementaryUpper-Level ElementaryLower-Level Middle SchoolUpper-Level Middle SchoolHigh School LoungeShark Cafe High School Athletic Award AreaOffice

Please pray and consider how you would like to contribute to this year’s Annual Fund.  We appreciate all and any contributions made by our community.  If you have any questions about giving towards the Annual Fund, please contact the school’s cashier, Ms. Connie Chang.   

Thank you for your generous support – Let’s Go, Sharks!


Dr. Kim

*As always, participation and donations are entirely optional.

2021-22 年度基金計畫


我們今年的年度基金計劃目標是希望能在三月七日(一)到五月20日(五)期間,募得新台幣八十萬完整。我們期盼每個人都能好好利用這個機會,為我們學校“MAKe a Difference”。將使用年度基金來購買傢俱,為我們的小學、中學和高中的公共區域空間添購傢俱。


小學部一樓小學部二樓中學部一樓中學部二樓高中休息室Shark Cafe高中獎盃展示處辦公室


感謝您的慷慨支持!拼了! Sharks!

校長 金德民 教育博士  敬謝


Registration Bills sent out 3/4 via postal mail

Dear Parents, the 2022-2023 Registration Fee Bills have been sent out on 3/4 via postal mail and electronically to your email, please check your mailbox and let us know if you still HAVE NOT received your child’s Registration Bill by the end of this week. Registration fee is due before March 25th, students will receive a 5000 nt discount on their 2022-2023 Fall tuition bill if the registration fee is paid on time.

親愛的家長, 2022-2023年度註冊單已於3/4用平信以及電子版寄出,請注意查收您家裏的信箱,並且如果近期內沒有收到的話請讓辦公室知道。註冊費截止日期為3月25日,於繳納期限截止前完成繳納程序將在2022-2023秋季學費單上獲得5000元的早鳥優惠。


Please also remember to log into your PowerSchool parent account to update each of your child’s Registration Form, or fill out the Withdrawal Form if your child will not be returning next school year.

另外提醒您,請登入家長的Power School帳號,更新孩子新學年的註冊單、或轉出單。

Click here to watch a tutorial.  步驟教學請看此影片

*** The Registration Form is only available on the web and NOT on the App. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

***「註冊單」目前僅能用網頁版填寫,App 暫未支援。不便之處請見諒。

Spiritual Emphasis Week NEXT WEEK!

MAK Elementary School will be having our annual Spiritual Emphasis Week from March 14-18. This is a special week set aside for our students and staff to experience more of God and His word. This year’s theme is Listen Up: The King is Speaking. We have invited a local missionary couple to share with us each morning! We look forward to our time of worship, learning, and growing together! 

From the HS Athletic Director

Men’s Volleyball and Ladies Soccer teams have been practicing and preparing for competitions beginning within the next two weeks. While the MAK Track & Field Team kicked off their season with the first official track meet taking place this past Tuesday at MAC. Athletes from MAK, MAC, MAT, ICA and Community members participated in the annual MAC Community Meet. The MAK Sharks competed well and had an enjoyable time starting off the season. Keep up with all MAK sports via our social media pages and the official MAK Calendar.

From the MS Athletic Director

Middle School basketball season begins this week! We are hopeful to have a regular season. Here is a practice and game schedule. Please note this is a working and changing document. Games will be entered or removed as they are confirmed with other schools. Currently, parents are allowed and welcome to come to watch any game on our campus as long as it is after school hours and proper covid precaution is taken. 

Last week, our students went up to MAC for the music festival. Here are some photos!

The MAK library is hosting a book fair during the week of parent teacher conferences from March 23-25. The fair will be held in the library and students will be able to purchase items on the Wednesday and Thursday of that week. It will also be open on Friday for parents. The fair will conclude on Friday at 1:00. 

Math Club

Math Club will be selling homemade pies on 3.14 to support the annual MAK Math Olympiad competition. Our club has been holding MAK Math Olympiad Competitions for 8 years, seeking to stimulate children’s passion and interest in math.

There are three available pie flavors, all made by Math Club under the supervision of Mrs. Griffin: lemon cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and raspberry.

All proceeds go towards the equipment, medals, and trophies used during the competition.

Click here to pre-order! We greatly appreciate your support!

– Math Club

π (3.14) 日即將到來!數學社將在今年 3/14 號販售手工創意派來支持本校的數學競賽。


本次的所得之費用將回歸於每年舉辦的數學奧林匹克競賽費用。MAK 數學社已舉辦數學奧林匹克競賽八年了,我們的宗旨是為了刺激學生對數學的熱情和興趣。


– 數學社

The High School National English Honor Society is proud to announce that MAK’s literary magazine, Shark Review, is open for submissions! The theme for this year’s spring issue is “In Retrospect.” Pieces of poetry or prose are all accepted! Submissions from K-12 students and staff are all accepted. Send submissions to by March 15, and contact them if you have further questions. This is an excellent chance for members of the MAK community to express their unique voices!

高中英語社團很榮幸的宣告 MAK 的文學雜誌, Shark Review, 開始接受投稿!今年春季刊的主題是“回顧”。不管是詩, 散文, 或其他類型的寫作, 我們都接受。K-12 年級的學生與 MAK 老師們都可以提交給 在 3/15 之前,。如果有問題請聯絡我們。這是一個好的機會讓 MAK 學生老師表達自己獨特的聲音!”
We would like to keep this up until the week of March 15.
Thank you so much!



Hey MAK!
We are super excited to announce that the MAK Shark Shop is collaborating with Dyzee (one of our speakers from Life Day) to create a custom shoe for MAK! Thank you to our shoe design committee led by Mrs. Melonie Tam & Jeffrey Shen.

This is a fun collaborative effort with Dyzee Threadz to show our shark pride and creativity. Thank you to the Art Club (Emily Griffin), who helped design our MAK Sharks graffiti logo! 

The shoe we are customizing is the 2Stepz All-White, which will feature Dyzee & MAK graffiti logos on the back of the shoe and on the shoe tongue. Click on the link for more information on the details and features of this amazing shoe. 

Dyzee is giving us a special discounted price of 2700 nt.However, if we order 50 pairs, we will get an even bigger discount! Please note, shoe purchases will be PRE-ORDER ONLY

Shoe fitting for students will be TODAY, March 10, starting at lunch time (11:30 am) and will go until after ASA. PARENTS can come during ASA time if you want to try on shoes. PLEASE BRING CLEAN SOCKS! The shoe will take 60 days to make, expect the shoes mid-May! Here are the available sizes: US size 4-12.

The Shark Shop will provide pre-order slips. Submit payment along with order slips to Ms. Joyce Lee at the front office. If we get over 50 orders, you will be refunded later.  Order by 3:15pm, March 14. 


Dyzee Threadz is hosting a TikTok Challenge contest for those who pre-order the shoe! How do you enter the contest? 

1. If you are pre-ordering the shoe, watch this TikTok Challenge.
2. Record and submit your own video to:
3. Submissions are due at 8am, March 30th.
4. The winner will be announced in our MAK Messenger & will win a free pair of shoes! 

Looking forward to all your tiktoks videos!

Previous MAK Messengers

January 14, 2021

GIVING PROJECT – 募捐計畫 Your children might begin to talk about activities related to our Giving Project.  Students and Teachers are planning activities to help remind them about the needs of others while raising funds for Taiwan Sunshine.  You can give directly to Taiwan Sunshine through this link. Send them…

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January 7, 2021

              Quarter 2 Report cards can be accessed electronically in Powerschool starting today, January 7th. Elementary School MasteryConnect reports have been delivered to you via email.  Please follow the steps below to view the report cards.  Log into PowerSchool.  You must log into PowerSchool…

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December 17, 2020

Half Day for Teachers’ PL – Friday, December 18, 2020 教職員在職進修 半天- 2020年12月18日(星期五) This is a reminder that Friday, December 18th will be a Half Day for Teachers’ PL Day. School will be dismissed at 11:30AM and the school buses will leave at 11:45AM.This is a system wide Professional Learning…

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December 10, 2020

Students that ordered pictures from picture day need to turn in their money to their classroom teachers in an envelope with their name, grade, and money amount written on it. Money is due Friday, December 11. 有訂購年鑑大頭照的學生請在 12/11(五)之前把錢放至信封內。請於信封上標示姓名,年級,和金額,然後繳交給班級導師。   THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17 IS PIZZA DAY! / 披薩日!十二月十七日(四) The Juniors are…

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December 3, 2020

This year’s Elementary Christmas Concert is today, December 3rd from 3:30-4:30 and the school buses will leave at 4:45pm. (Please remember to let the office know if your child will not be riding the bus after the concert). On December 3rd, please remember to pack concert clothing for your children…

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