January 9, 2020






Quarter 2 Report cards can be accessed electronically in Powerschool starting tomorrow, January 10th. Elementary School MasteryConnect reports will be delivered to you via email.  Please follow the steps below to view the report cards. 

  • Log into PowerSchool.  You must log into PowerSchool through a web browser, either on your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.  You will NOT find the Report cards in the PowerSchool App.
  • On the left-hand side of your screen, you should see an icon labeled Report Card. If you don’t see the icon, look for a small gray arrow near the top left of your screen.  Click on this arrow to reveal many options, including the Report Card icon.
  • Click on the Report Card icon, if the report is ready, it will appear.  
  • If you can not remember your login or password, follow the instructions on the login page to retrieve the information.

Please contact the office at mak@ma.org.tw if you would like to request a printed copy of the report card.  


  • 登錄到PowerSchool。您必須用手機、平板、筆電或桌上型電腦登錄到PowerSchool的瀏覽頁面。您將無法從PowerSchool的手機應用程式中找到成績單。
  • 在您螢幕的左方,您應該可以看到一個顯示“成績單”的圖案及標示。如果您看不到該圖標,請在螢幕左上方附近找到一個灰色的小箭頭。 點擊此箭頭來顯示更多選項,包括“成績單”的圖標。
  • 點擊[Report Card]的圖標後,如果成績單已經備妥,您就可以看到成績單了。
  • 如果您忘記登錄帳號或密碼,請按照登錄頁面上的方式復取信息。

如果您想索取紙本成績單,請透過mak@ma.org.tw與辦公室洽詢 。

The 2nd semester ASA sign up for Elementary students is here! Please read the description carefully and click this link to finish the sign-up. Please note the following reminder for the ASA this semester.
1. ASA will start next Tuesday, January 14, 2020.
2. The payment ticket will be given to the students to take home on Wednesday, January 15. The payment can be given to your child’s classroom teacher and will be accepted WITH THE TICKET ONLY. The deadline for payment is Monday, January 20. If the ticket is lost, please send an email to Mrs Joan Yang at yangj4@ma.org.tw for getting a new one.
3. The deadline to switch to another ASA is January 17th. To change ASA’s or for any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs Joan Yang directly by email at yangj4@ma.org.tw
1. 小學部課後活動將在一月14日(下週二)開始。
2. 繳款單將會在一月15日(三)發給學生帶回家。請將款項連同繳款單一併交給班導。只接受有附上繳款單之報名。繳費截止日為一月20日(一)。若不慎遺失繳款單,請電郵楊老師yangj4@ma.org.tw補單。
3. 換課的截止日是一月17日(五)。關於ASA課程異動或是任何相關問題,請直接電郵楊老師yangj4@ma.org.tw洽詢。

MATH COMPETITION IS BACK! This year’s competition will be held on JANUARY 16TH & 17TH. The competition includes multiple-choice questions, team activities, and head-to-head rounds.  Grades K-3 will participate in non-competitive group activities. Grades 4-5 will be teamed up in collaborative group games but will also do individual tests. Middle schoolers will participate in both group and individual math activities. Top students from each middle school level will continue on to compete in the head-to-head contests.  We have had a blast in the past 6 years and we hope you will enjoy the upcoming one as well!
數學競賽又回來了!今年的比賽將於1月16日至17日舉行。比賽包括多選題,團隊活動和一對一決賽。 K-3年級將參加非競爭性的小組活動。 4-5年級會分成小組做一些團隊遊戲,但也會進行個別測試。中學生將參加小組和個人數學活動。每個中學部年級的頂尖學生將繼續參加完成一對一決賽。在過去的6年中,我們經歷了一場又一場精彩絕倫的數學競賽,希望您也會喜歡即將到來的競賽!

Dear MAK Parents and Students,

We are excited to announce that House Council is hosting our annual Talent Show “Rewind: Through the Decades” on February 22nd from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Please watch this video to understand this year’s theme. We would like to invite you and your family to join us at this event, where MAK students and the community will showcase their incredible talents. Prices for admission are as follows: 

Before 2/8: 200 NT per person
After 2/8: 300 NT per person

Please submit  a 2-5 minute audition video to makhouseco@ma.org.tw by January 17th.

Your ticket includes admission and 6 food or drink items. To order tickets, please complete this form and turn it in to the front office along with your payment. Ticket forms have been passed out to all grades and also are available in the front office. Performers, high school workers, and children under the age of 3 do not need to buy admission tickets. Families of performers and workers, however, must purchase tickets. 

We will not be using physical admission tickets this year. At the entrance, you will simply have to provide your student’s name and grade to be admitted. We also ask you to enter with your entire party. Note that only light snacks and drinks will be provided, so please consider having dinner before the show. Thank you again for your time and generosity, and we hope to see you there.

MAK High School House Council

親愛的家長們和學生們 ,您好 



請在一月17日(五)前將2-5分鐘的試鏡影片寄至 makhouseco@ma.org.tw



高中部學生會 敬上

Previous MAK Messengers

January 13, 2022

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 1/18-19 Yearbook Photo Retake & Class Photo 年鑑照片重拍 & 班級照片 1/21 Olympic Day 奧林匹克日 1/28 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天 Covid-19 Student Vaccination 學生新冠疫苗 1/31-2/4…

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January 6, 2022

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 1/3 Q3, S2 Begins 第二學期開始 1/7-9 VIDA Retreat 1/18-19 Yearbook Photo Retake & Class Photo 年鑑照片重拍 & 班級照片 1/21 Olympic Day 奧林匹克日 1/28 Half…

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December 16, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 12/16 Combined Chapel 聯合禮拜 12/17 Half Day (PL), Q2 Ends 學生上半天,第二學期結束Middle School CSL 中學基督精神學習日 12/20-31 Christmas Break 聖誕節假期 1/3 Q3, S2 Begins 第二學期開始 1/7-9…

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December 2, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 12/2 ES Christmas Concert 小學聖誕音樂會 (ASA Cancelled/取消) 12/7 Sophomore Field Trip 10年級戶外教學 12/8 5th Grade Field Trip 五年級戶外教學 12/9 MS & HS Christmas Concert…

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November 24, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/24 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天 (Reminder: Buses leave at 11:45am! 提醒: 校車11:45am 離開!) 11/25-26 No School (Thanksgiving Vacation) 美國感恩節假期 12/2 ES Christmas Concert 小學聖誕音樂會…

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