February 24, 2022


“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”

Jeremiah 31:3

School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

2/25 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天

2/26-27 No Activity Weekend

2/28 學生放假

3/3-5 HS Music Festival 高中音樂節

3/12 Talent Show 達人秀

3/18 Q3 Ends 第三學季結束

3/21 Q4 Begins 第四學季開始

3/25 Parent Teacher Conferences 親師座談會

Middle School

Hi Students and Parents,

Remember that this Friday is a half-day of classes, school is out at 11:30 am! Also, next Monday (Feb. 28th) there is no school due to teacher training. Time is flying by, March 18th marks the end of Quarter 3. Students’ Quarter 3 updated class report cards will be available to parents or guardians. 


Morrison Academy Kaohsiung is now accepting applications in all grades! To find out if MAK is the right school for you or your child, visit our website here https://www.ma.org.tw/admissions/ or apply now to join our MAK Community!!! https://webapps.ma.org.tw/cf/Admissions/ApplicationForm.cfm

Dear MAK Parents,

We are excited to announce the 2022 High School Music Festival for students in grades 9 through 12.  This overnight event provides a collaborative, non-competitive, fun, and enriching experience for music students across the three campuses.  Students will enjoy playing music together in a large ensemble and have the opportunity to learn from the various directors within the Morrison System.  All MAK music high school students are required to attend this event.

The High School Music Festival is from March 3rd – March 4th.   The school bus will depart the MAK campus on Thursday, March 3rd, at 12:30 pm.  When students arrive at Morrison Academy Taichung (MAC), they will have dinner, rehearsals, and participate in community-building activities among the students from the various Morrison campuses.  Since this is an overnight event, all MAK students and chaperones will be housed at the MAC campus.  The next day will be filled with rehearsals and a concert performance of the combined high school bands, choirs, and orchestras. The concert will begin at 2:15 pm.  

After the concert, MAK students will leave the MAC campus before 3:30 pm. The bus will stop at Tainan Carrefour at approximately 5:30 pm, MAK around 6:15 pm, and CKS Martial Hall before 7:00 pm. 

The cost for this event is NT$700 for those students who own a High School Music Festival T-shirt from the previous year.  For those who need to purchase a High School Music Festival T-shirt, the cost will be NT$900.  The price of this event includes housing and all meals. 

Please sign and return the permission form with the NT$700 or NT$900 fee to Ms. Mai or Ms. Pan by Friday,  February 25th.


Due to the Covid-19 government regulations, the High School Music Festival may be subject to a possible last-minute cancellation.  If the High School Music Festival is canceled, parents and guardians will be notified and will receive a full refund. 


Dr. Dan Kim – Principal
Ms. Mai, MAK Orchestra Director
Ms. Pan, MAK Band Director

From the MS Athletic Director

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, our MS volleyball tournaments were officially canceled. However, some of those restrictions have recently been lifted so we are able to continue after-school sports at this time. This means that MS Basketball will begin on March 8th. All students are welcome and encouraged to join a team. If they choose not to participate, then they will need to be picked up from school at 3:15 pm. If they ride the bus home they will be able to go to a study hall time until 4:15 pm then go on the bus. 

From the HS Athletic Director

MAK’s men’s volleyball, ladies soccer, and track and field teams all kicked off their seasons this past week with practice. While teams are still prohibited from cross school competitions, we are using this preseason to prepare for when we are permitted to have cross school competitions. 


–MAK Team Shirts are needed for HS Practice. If you do not have MAK Team Shirts, please send an email to me.

–Locker Rooms are to be used for changing for practice and PE. Personal items needed for athletic activities are the only items that should be stored in a locker. Items that are left on the ground will be thrown out. 

MAK Athletic Handbook: If you have not signed the MAK Athletic Handbook you must do so before participating on a Sport Team. I want to encourage you to look over the handbook and be familiar with expectations of MAK student athletes.

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

Good news! We are going to change the deadline (and price) for the Talent Show tickets to Monday March 7th. There will no longer be early bird and regular tickets because of the unpredictable nature of Covid. 
Although we haven’t gotten any notices about cancelling activities for March yet, we want to minimize the inconvenience of reimbursing tickets for those who have already paid (in case the Talent Show gets canceled). 
The new ticket prices are as follows:

– Before March 7th: 300 NT

– On the day of: 400 NT

Sorry for the inconvenience that this may bring, and thank you for your understanding. 

– StuCo

Math Club

Math Club will be selling homemade pies on 3.14 to support the annual MAK Math Olympiad competition. Our club has been holding MAK Math Olympiad Competitions for 8 years, seeking to stimulate children’s passion and interest in math.

There are three available pie flavors, all made by Math Club under the supervision of Mrs. Griffin: lemon cheesecake, chocolate mousse, and raspberry.

All proceeds go towards the equipment, medals, and trophies used during the competition.

Click here to pre-order! We greatly appreciate your support!

– Math Club

π (3.14) 日即將到來!數學社將在今年 3/14 號販售手工創意派來支持本校的數學競賽。


本次的所得之費用將回歸於每年舉辦的數學奧林匹克競賽費用。MAK 數學社已舉辦數學奧林匹克競賽八年了,我們的宗旨是為了刺激學生對數學的熱情和興趣。


– 數學社

The MAK HS Art Club and the MAK HS Photography Club are collaborating to host the Annual Spring Visual Art Competition! This year’s theme is open ended. The top 3 place winners of the art competition will be awarded to ES, MS, and HS. The Exhibition will be held on March 24, the day of the Parent Teacher Conference. 

All mediums are welcomed but photographs will be judged separately by the Photography Club. Students, please submit your works to Mrs. Newkirk, Emily Griffin (12), Hope Yang (11), Emily Wong (10) by March 7, Monday. If there are any concerns, please contact MAK HS Art Club at makartclub@ma.org.tw. Thank you! 

Photography Club will be sponsoring the Photo Contest portion of the Visual Arts competition. Photos can be submitted via Google Forms (https://forms.gle/9fgJpz4XT7e5hk5b6) and will be printed and mounted by the Photography Club. All participants will receive the physical copy of their photo after the competition is over. For photos, there are prizes up to 400NT (stationary vouchers) to win for each category: lower ES (1 winner), Upper ES (1 winner), MS (2 winners), HS (2 winners).

馬禮遜高中美術社和攝影社今年將合作舉辦春季視覺藝術比賽 !今年沒有主題,請學生們自由發揮。作品會在3/24,家長座談會當天展示,家長們要記得來看喔!學生們的美術作品和攝影作品將分開比賽和排名。攝影社會將學生們的作品印出來展覽,並且還有機會可以贏得$400的禮卷。如果要參加攝影比賽,請於這裡報名:https://forms.gle/9fgJpz4XT7e5hk5b6。美術作品請在3/7之前交給Mrs. Newkirk, Emily Griffin (12), Hope Yang (11), Emily Wong (10)即可參加。若有任何問題,請洽:makartclub@ma.org.tw

The High School National English Honor Society is proud to announce that MAK’s literary magazine, Shark Review, is open for submissions! The theme for this year’s spring issue is “In Retrospect.” Pieces of poetry or prose are all accepted! Submissions from K-12 students and staff are all accepted. Send submissions to sharkreview@ma.org.tw by March 15, and contact them if you have further questions. This is an excellent chance for members of the MAK community to express their unique voices!

高中英語社團很榮幸的宣告 MAK 的文學雜誌, Shark Review, 開始接受投稿!今年春季刊的主題是“回顧”。不管是詩, 散文, 或其他類型的寫作, 我們都接受。K-12 年級的學生與 MAK 老師們都可以提交給 sharkreview@ma.org.tw 在 3/15 之前,。如果有問題請聯絡我們。這是一個好的機會讓 MAK 學生老師表達自己獨特的聲音!”
We would like to keep this up until the week of March 15.
Thank you so much!



Previous MAK Messengers

August 31, 2023

2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 9/8-10 VIDA 8 @ MAC 9/19-20 Yearbook Picture Day 9/28 Half Day (Professional Learning Day)學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation(學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 10/5-6 No School (PL Days)學生放假 (教職員訓練) 9/2 MS Soccer Exchange @ MAC 9/16 HS Volleyball/Soccer Exchange…

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August 24, 2023

2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 8/22 ASA and MS Sports BeginsASA 跟國中運動開始 9/8-10 VIDA 8 @ MAC 9/28 Half Day (Professional Learning Day)學生上半天 (教職員訓練) 9/29 No School – Moon Festival Vacation(學生放假-中秋節假期) 10/4 Q1 Ends第一季度結束 8/30 Community vs. Varsity Soccer @ 3:45 9/2 MS Soccer Exchange @ MAC…

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August 17, 2023

2023-24 School Calendar 學校日曆 MAK Events Calendar 學校活動日曆 8/17 Secondary (6-12) Meet the Teachers 3-4:15pm國高中家長老師見面會 3-4:15pm 8/18 Combined ChapelK-G12 禮拜 (MPR) 8/22 ASA and MS Sports BeginsASA 跟國中運動開始 9/8-10 VIDA 8 @ MAC Middle School Sports is starting next Tuesday 8/22!  We are kicking this year off with Soccer ! Every…

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August 7, 2023

2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 8/9 First Day of SchoolHS Sports Begins 8/18 Combined Chapel 8/15 Elementary (K-5) Meet the Teachers 3-4:15pm 8/17 Secondary (6-12) Meet the Teachers 3-4:15pm 8/22 ASA and MS Sports Begins 9/8-10 VIDA 8 Dear MAK Parents and Guardians, Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! …

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June 1, 2023

2022-23 School Calendar 2023-24 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 6/1 5th (8:45-9:25am) & 8th Grade (1-2:30pm) Graduation 6/2 Q4/S2 Ends 6/3-8/8 SUMMER BREAK 8/9 First Day of School 2023-24 Quarter 4 Report Cards Quarter 4 Report cards can be accessed electronically in Powerschool starting Monday, June 5.  Please follow the…

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