February 17, 2022


“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”

Jeremiah 31:3

School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

2/25 Half Day (PL) 學生上半天

2/26-27 No Activity Weekend

2/28 學生放假

3/3-5 HS Music Festival 高中音樂節

3/12 Talent Show 達人秀

3/18 Q3 Ends 第三學季結束

3/21 Q4 Begins 第四學季開始

3/25 Parent Teacher Conferences 親師座談會

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

Thank you so much for your help and support as the school navigates through the Covid-19 government regulations.  Please carefully read the following information about Elementary ASA (Afterschool Activities), Middle School(MS) Sports & High School(HS) Sports/Clubs.  

Beginning next week on Monday, February 21st, MAK will resume all extracurricular afterschool activities.  During this time, students must wear facemasks at all times.  Finally, there will be no cross-school, cross-county, and cross-city MS and HS sports competitions.

Afterschool High School Sports – Starting on Monday, Feb. 21:

Afterschool HS Sports occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  This activity will resume on Monday, February 21st.  Please note that school buses will depart campus at 5:40 pm for those students participating in Afterschool HS sports.   

ASA, Middle School Sports, and High School Clubs – Starting on Tuesday, Feb. 22: 

ASA, MS Sports, and HS Clubs occur every Tuesday and Thursday.  These activities will resume on Tuesday, February 22nd.  The school bus will depart campus at 4:30 pm for those students participating in the following activities.  Parents, please adjust your child’s pick-up times from the bus stops.

Once again, thank you so much for your support and understanding.


Dr. Kim



2月 21日星期一開始,學校將全面恢復所有的課後活動。在此期間,學生必須全程配戴口罩。但目前我們仍然不得舉辦跨校、跨縣市的活動及賽事。

高中課後運動 –  2月 21日星期一開始:

高中課後運動於每週一、週三和周五舉行。將於 2 月 21 日星期一重新開始。請注意,高中課後運動練習的晚班校車將在下午 5:40 駛離校園。

小學課後活動(ASA)、中學課後運動練習和高中社團 –  2 月 22 日星期二開始:

小學課後活動、中學課後運動練習和高中社團於每週二、四舉行。這些活動將於 2 月 22 日星期二恢復。校車將於下午 4:30 駛離校園。請您調整到校車停靠站接送時間。


Dear Parents,

Please be advised that ASA will resume next week. Please arrange the pick-up time accordingly.  Thanks!



Morrison Academy Kaohsiung is now accepting applications in all grades! To find out if MAK is the right school for you or your child, visit our website here https://www.ma.org.tw/admissions/ or apply now to join our MAK Community!!! https://webapps.ma.org.tw/cf/Admissions/ApplicationForm.cfm

Elementary Spirit Week (2/21-25)

Elementary students are having spirit week! Here is the schedule:

Crazy Monday

Twin Tuesday

Animal Wednesday

Future Day Thursday (When you grow up)

Shark Day Friday

Dear Parents and Students,

It pleases me to let you know that we have received permission from the Kaohsiung City government to return to having sports practice. On that note, high school sport practices will resume Monday,February 21st. This is just in time for the start of our Spring Sports, Men’s Volleyball, Ladies Soccer, and Track & Field. 

Men’s volleyball and Lady’s soccer will have tryouts starting on Monday, February 21st. Currently, according to government regulations we are only permitted to practice and not participate in cross schools competitions until the end of February. In which we expect further guidance from the government on competition play. 

Reminders:–MAK Team Shirts are needed for HS Practice. If you do not have MAK Team Shirts, please let Coach Upchurch know.

–Locker Rooms are to be used for changing for practice and PE. Personal items needed for athletic activities are the only items that should be stored in a locker. Items that are left on the ground will be thrown out. —MAK Athletic Handbook: If you have not signed the MAK Athletic Handbook you must do so before participating on a Sport Team. I want to encourage you to look over the handbook and be familiar with expectations of MAK student athletes.

Do you love reading? We certainly do in the library! The MAK Library is selling a fun t-shirt (designed by MAK senior Emily Griffin) to promote literacy! If you would like to order a shirt, please send your child to pick up an envelope (pictured above) in the library and turn it into either Mrs. Stowers, Mrs. Gregg, or Chang Tai Tai. Thank you!

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

Good news! We are going to change the deadline (and price) for the Talent Show tickets to Monday March 7th. There will no longer be early bird and regular tickets because of the unpredictable nature of Covid. 
Although we haven’t gotten any notices about cancelling activities for March yet, we want to minimize the inconvenience of reimbursing tickets for those who have already paid (in case the Talent Show gets canceled). 
The new ticket prices are as follows:

– Before March 7th: 300 NT

– On the day of: 400 NT

Sorry for the inconvenience that this may bring, and thank you for your understanding. 

– StuCo

The MAK Art Club has created another array of vibrant cards – now open for ordering! These high quality cards, hand drawn by Art Club members, are the perfect addition to any gift to your loved ones. Fill out this form and turn it in to Emily Griffin (G12), Hope Yang (G11), or Emily Wong (G10) before 3/1 to order these cute cards!  

高中美術社再次推出一系列的手繪卡片,現在開放訂購!如有送禮需求,這些手繪卡片將能讓您的心意更上一層樓,並且單獨送給想感謝的人也很合適!如有想要預購,請填寫這張紙條並且於 3/1 前交給Emily Griffin (12年級),Hope Yang (11年級),或Emily Wong (10年級) 。

The High School National English Honor Society is proud to announce that MAK’s literary magazine, Shark Review, is open for submissions! The theme for this year’s spring issue is “In Retrospect.” Pieces of poetry or prose are all accepted! Submissions from K-12 students and staff are all accepted. Send submissions to sharkreview@ma.org.tw by March 15, and contact them if you have further questions. This is an excellent chance for members of the MAK community to express their unique voices!

高中英語社團很榮幸的宣告 MAK 的文學雜誌, Shark Review, 開始接受投稿!今年春季刊的主題是“回顧”。不管是詩, 散文, 或其他類型的寫作, 我們都接受。K-12 年級的學生與 MAK 老師們都可以提交給 sharkreview@ma.org.tw 在 3/15 之前,。如果有問題請聯絡我們。這是一個好的機會讓 MAK 學生老師表達自己獨特的聲音!”
We would like to keep this up until the week of March 15.
Thank you so much!



Previous MAK Messengers

November 11, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/13 MS Soccer Tournaments6th grade boys- TES6th grade girls- MAT7th boys and girls will be at MAK.8th boys and girls will be at MAC.…

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November 4, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 11/6 TISSA Varsity TournamentsGirls Varsity Volleyball @MATBoys Varsity Soccer @MAC  11/13 MS Soccer Tournaments6th grade boys- TES6th grade girls- MAT7th boys and girls will…

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October 28, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 10/30 Family Day is Postponed 家庭日(延期)JV & Varsity Girls Volleyball vs MAT @ MACVarsity Boys Soccer vs MAT @ MAC 11/2 ASA & All…

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October 21, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 10/22 No School (Parent-Teacher Conferences) 學生不上課 (親師座談會)MAK Fall Sports Invitational  10/23 MAK Fall Sports Invitational  10/30 Family Day is Postponed 家庭日延期JV & Varsity Girls…

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October 7, 2021

“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3 School Calendar MAK Events Calendar 10/7 Q1 Ends 10/8 No School (PL Day) 10/11-15 Fall Break 10/18 Q2 Begins 10/20 Report Cards AvailableVarsity Boys Soccer [MAK vs KAS] @MAKVarsity…

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