August 7, 2023

2023-24 School Calendar
8/9 First Day of School
HS Sports Begins
8/18 Combined Chapel
8/15 Elementary (K-5) Meet the Teachers 3-4:15pm
8/17 Secondary (6-12) Meet the Teachers 3-4:15pm
8/22 ASA and MS Sports Begins
9/8-10 VIDA 8

Dear MAK Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! The first day of school is right around the corner on Wednesday, August 9th, 2023. The MAK staff and I are excited to welcome everyone back from summer break. We hope everyone had a fantastic time of rest with family and friends.
As the first day of school approaches, I want to review several school guidelines. Please read the information below carefully; the information will help everyone have a safe and wonderful school year.
- The school gates for student drop-off will open at 7:30 am, as classes begin promptly at 8:00 am (Thursday Late Start: 8:45 am).
- Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school.
- When driving into the school driveway for drop-off, please do the following:
- Slow down and drive extra cautiously.
- Stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk.
- Be mindful of school buses and other cars.
- Please be patient. You are training your child(ren) to follow the rules and laws by the example you set.
- During dismissal at 3:15 pm, no personal vehicles are permitted to enter the campus when buses are parked along the school driveway. Please park your car along Jiacheng Road and walk into the campus to pick up your child. School gates will open at 3:10 pm on M/W/F and 4:10 pm on T/Th.
- Riding the school bus is a privilege. Students taking the school bus must stay seated at all times, keep their hands and feet to themselves, talk quietly, and obey directions from the bus driver.
- If your child takes the school bus, please ensure they take the same school bus consistently, as this will develop routine, structure, and safety. Changing the school bus routine can confuse your child.
- Parents and visitors must check in at the office before entering the school building. Checking in at the office will ensure the safety and security of everyone at the school.
- High school sports will begin on Wednesday, August 9th, from 3:30 – 5:15 pm.
- Afterschool Activities (ASA) and Middle School Sports will begin on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, from 3:15 to 4:15 pm.
- Parents should promptly call the school office to report their child is sick.
- Excused/Unexcused Absences: Excused absences are given for sickness, doctor’s visits, necessary trips to government offices, and approved school trips. Most other absences are unexcused.
- Please refer to Morrison Academy’s school calendar to view holidays, PL half days, and other important dates.
Thank you for reading the following information. Enjoy the last days of summer, and I look forward to seeing everyone on the first day of school. Please pray for your child and their teacher(s). Your prayers will make a difference! Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dr. Kim 金德民博士
Principal 校長
歡迎來到 2023-24 學年!開學日在即, 這學期的開學日為 2023 年 8 月 9 日
- 校門將於上午 7:30 開放,上午 8:00 準時開始上課。(星期四「晚入校」:上課時間為上午 8:45)。
- 請確保您的孩子帶水壺到學校。
- 在送孩子到校,車輛進入學校車道時,請遵行以下規則:
d.請保持耐心。 您正透過以身作則來訓練您的孩子如何遵守規則和法律。
- 放學時間為下午 3:15,當校車停在學校車道旁時,任何私人車輛均不得進入校園。請您將車子停在嘉誠路上,再步行進入校園接您的孩子。校門在星期一、星期三、星期五於下午 3:10 開放;在星期二、星期四於下午 4:10 開放。
- 乘坐校車是一種特權。乘坐校車的學生們必須保持在座位上,不觸碰旁邊座位的學生,並服從校車司機的指令。
- 若您的孩子乘坐校車,請確保他們乘坐同一輛校車,以培養常規、建立結構和保障孩子的安全。改變校車的路線可能會讓您的孩子感到困惑。
- 家長和訪客必須在進入學校大樓之前到辦公室辦理登記,以確保學校裡每個人的安全。
- 高中部運動將於 2023 年 8 月 9 日(星期三)開始,時間為下午 3:30 至 5:15。
- 課外活動 (ASA) 和國中部運動將於 2023 年 8 月 22 日(星期二)開始,時間為下午 3:15 至 4:15 。
- 孩子身體不適時,家長應立即致電學校辦公室通報。
- 因故缺席/ 無故缺席:因身體不適、看診、必要的政府部門參訪、以及經批准的學校旅行,將給予「因故缺席」。而大多數其他的缺席都是「無故缺席」。
- 請參閱馬禮遜美國學校的學校日曆以查看學校假期、半天和其他重要日期。
校長 金德民博士
Dr. Kim 金德民博士
Principal 校長
2023-24 Meet the Teacher
Elementary Meet the Teacher – Tuesday, August 15th
The Elementary Meet the Teacher event will be on Tuesday, August 15th, from 3:00 to 4:20 pm. The purpose of the event is to meet and greet your child’s teachers. During this time, elementary teachers will introduce themselves and provide a short presentation describing what your child will be expected to learn and do in their classroom.
小學部家長老師見面會 – 8 月 15 日(星期二)
「小學部家長老師見面會」將於 8 月 15 日(星期二)下午 3:00 至 4:20 舉行。此活動的目的是認識孩子的老師。這段時間內,小學部的老師們將進行自我介紹並做一個簡短的報告,以描述您的孩子在課堂上的將面對的學習與將進行的活動。
In order to honor the teacher’s time to present twice, there will be no opportunities to have individual conferences with teachers. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
As usual, the school bus will depart MAK at 3:25 pm, but if you plan to attend the Meet the Teacher event, your child may remain at school and watch a movie in the CPA. If you do not plan to attend the event, it is expected that your child goes home.
校車將如常於下午 3:25 從高雄馬禮遜美國學校出發,若您預計參加「家長老師見面會」,您的孩子當天放學後可以留在學校並在 CPA 裡觀賞電影。但若您沒有打算參加此活動,您的孩子當天可以直接回家。
Finally, there will be light snacks and refreshments for parents only. We hope to see you at the Elementary’s Meet the Teacher event!
Elementary Meet the Teacher Day:
When: August 15th, 2023
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:20 pm
時間:下午 3:00 至 4:20
Elementary Schedule – August 15, 2023:
Time: | Task: |
3:00 pm | General Session, MPR |
3:15 pm | Elementary parents dismissed |
Session 1 | |
3:20 – 3:40 pm | Elementary teacher presentation in classrooms |
Session 2 (Repeat) | |
3:45 – 4:15 pm | Elementary teacher presentation in classrooms |
4:20 pm | End of Meet the Teacher / Pick Up Child at CPA |
* Elementary students will watch a movie in the CPA with the supervision of ES Aide+HS student helpers
** Refreshments and light snacks will be provided in the MPR
小學部時間表- 2023年8月15日:
時間 | 活動 |
3:00 pm | 全體集會(地點:MPR) |
3:15 pm | 小學生的家長解散並移步到各班 |
第一場 | |
3:20 – 3:40 pm | 小學老師報告 (地點:各班級) |
第二場 (重複) | |
3:45 – 4:15 pm | 小學老師報告 (地點:各班級) |
4:20 pm | 「家長老師見面會」結束, 到CPA接孩子 |
* 小學生們將在小學部助理老師及高中生助手的監督下在 CPA 觀賞電影
** 學校將在MPR中提供茶點及點心
Secondary Meet the Teacher – Thursday, August 17th
The Secondary Meet the Teacher event will be on Thursday, August 17th, from 3:00 to 4:20 pm. The purpose of the event is to meet and greet your child’s teachers. During this time, parents are encouraged to tour and visit each of their child’s teachers to receive a syllabus and other information. Please also visit your child’s special teachers (e.g., Mandarin, art).
中學部家長老師見面會 – 8 月 17日(星期四)
「中學部家長老師見面會」將於 8 月 17 日(星期四)下午 3:00 至 4:20 舉行。 此活動的目的是認識您孩子的老師。 這段時間內,我們鼓勵家長參觀校園並與孩子的每位老師會面,以獲取課程大綱和其他信息。 請記得也與您孩子的科任老師會面(例如,國語、美術)。
In order to honor the teacher’s time to meet and greet with all the parents, there will be no opportunities to have individual conferences with teachers. Thank you for your cooperation.
考量到老師與所有家長見面所需的時間,將不開放家長與老師進行單獨的會談。 感謝您的配合。
As usual, the school bus will depart MAK at 3:25 pm, but if you plan to attend the Meet the Teacher event, your child may remain at school and help guide you to each classroom. If you do not plan to attend the event, it is expected that your child goes home.
校車將如常於下午 3:25 從高雄馬禮遜美國學校出發,若您預計要參加「與老師見面會」,您的孩子當天放學後可以留在學校並引導您前往教室。 但若您不打算參加此活動,您的孩子當天可以直接回家。
Finally, there will be light snacks and refreshments for parents only. We hope to see you at the Secondary Meet the Teacher event!
Secondary Meet the Teacher Day:
When: August 17th, 2023
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:20 pm
時間:下午 3:00 至 下午 4:20
Secondary (MS & HS) Schedule – August 17, 2023:
Time: | Task: |
3:00 pm | General Session, MPR |
3:20 pm | Secondary parents dismissed to visit classrooms |
3:20 – 4:25 pm | Tour school and visit child’s teachers |
4:30 pm | End of Meet the Teacher |
** Refreshments and light snacks will be provided in the MPR
中學部(國中及高中)時間表- 2023年 8 月 17 日
時間 | 活動 |
3:00 pm | 全體集會 (地點: MPR) |
3:20 pm | 中學生家長解散,並移步到各班級 |
3:20 – 4:25 pm | 參觀校園 及 到各班與老師會面 |
4:30 pm | 活動結束 |
** 學校將在MPR 中提供茶點及點心

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to MAK! Hope all of you have a great summer. Please note the ASA sign-up schedule has been changed as below.
Aug. 10 The ASA Description will be sent out via email at 9.30 a.m.
Aug.11 The ASA Sign-up Form will be sent out via email at noon.
Aug.11 – Aug.13 Sign up. The form will be closed at noon, on Aug.13.
Aug.14 Deadline for changing classes. If you need to change classes for your kids, please send your request to Ms.Yang( by noon. All changes after the deadline are NOT acceptable.
Aug.21 The ASA Payment Envelope will be sent home. Please remember to check your child(ren)’s backpack. The payment deadline is by Aug.25.
Aug.22 ASA starts. Please bring the ASA Payment Envelope back with an exact amount(no change) and well sealed, then hand it to the room teacher.
Thanks for your cooperation!
八月十日 上午九點半以電郵寄出報名簡章
八月十一日 ASA報名表單於中午十二點以電郵寄出。
八月十一日至八月十三日 報名。表單將於八月十三日中午十二點關閉。
八月十四日 請於中午十二點前以電郵提出換班申請,寄至楊老師信箱(,所有申請逾時恕不受理。
八月廿一日 發放ASA繳費信封,請確認您孩子是否將信封帶回。繳費截止日為八月廿五日。
八月廿二日 ASA開始上課。請將放入正確金額放入信封(不找零),密封好後交回給班級老師。

Madeline placed 3rd in Taiwan Music Competition!

Alison, accompanied by her brother Ayrton on the piano, won first place in the Victor J.V.C International competition!
At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 4:00pm). You may also contact our MAK staff members by email.
學校非常重視與家長們之間的溝通,且致力服務您以及您的家人。如果您有任何的問題,請在辦公時間(週一至週五,早上7:30到下午4:00)直接致電學校辦公室 (07-356-1190)或電郵以下教職人員:
MAK OFFICE 學校辦公室 (General Inquiries 一般查詢) | | 07-356-1190 |
Dr. Dan Kim Principal/校長 | | |
Armaine Heraldo Health Coordinator/健康協調者 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 10 |
Angela Chu Admissions/入學組助理 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 14 |
Joyce Lee Admin. Assistant/秘書 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 13 |
Elisa Luk Admin. Assistant/秘書 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 17 |
Connie Chang Cashier/出納 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 15 |
Bill Lin General Manager/總務主任 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 25 |
Karen Pai & Joyce Lee Public Relations/公關經理 | | |
David Lee Elementary Team Leader/小學部長 | | |
Michael Chan Middle School Team Leader/中學部長 EMS Counselor/中小學輔導主任 | | |
Wade West High School Team Leader/高中部長 | | |
Matt Newkirk High School Counselor/高中輔導主任 | | |
Kate Shaffner Library Media Specialist圖書館媒體專任老師 | | 07-356-1190 ext. 49 |
Previous MAK Messengers
Half Day for Teachers’ PL – Friday, April 2, 2021 教師專業教育訓練 – 四月2日(五),下午,2021年 This is a reminder that Friday, April 2nd is a Half Day for Teachers’ PL. School will be dismissed at 11:30AM and the school buses will leave at 11:45AM. This is a system wide Professional Learning day…
Read MoreREMINDER: Registration Bills DUE TOMORROW, MARCH 26 提醒:註冊費截止日為明天,3月26日 Dear Parents, this is a reminder that the Registration Fee is due tomorrow, March 26. Students will receive a 5000NT discount on their 2021-2022 Fall tuition bill if the registration fee is paid on time. 親愛的家長們, 註冊費繳交截止日為明天,三月26日(五),若在繳費截止日前完成繳納程序者,將給予2021-2022秋季學費減免新台幣5000元的優惠。 Please also remember to log…
Read MoreRegistration Bills sent out March 4 via postal mail 註冊單已於三月4日用平信寄出 Dear Parents, the 2021-2022 Registration Bills have been sent out on March 4 via postal mail and electronically to your email. Registration fee is due before March 26th, students will receive a 5000NT discount on their 2021-2022 Fall tuition bill…
Read MoreRegistration Bills sent out March 4 via postal mail 註冊單已於三月4日用平信寄出 Dear Parents, the 2021-2022 Registration Bills have been sent out on March 4 via postal mail and electronically to your email. Please check your mail box and let us know if you still HAVE NOT received your child’s Registration Bill…
Read MoreRegistration Bills sent out March 4 via postal mail 註冊單已於三月4日用平信寄出 Dear Parents, the 2021-2022 Registration Fee Bills have been sent out on March 4 via postal mail and electronically to your email, please check your mail box and let us know if you still HAVE NOT received your child’s Registration…
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