August 30th, 2019
How to properly wash hands? What to do if my child contracts gastroenteritis?
Parents, please show this bromidic video from the World Health Organization to your children about handwashing. Middle and High school students can also benefit from proper hand washing instruction also. 家長們,請撥放這段來自世界衛生組織所拍攝教導關於如何洗手的影片給您的小孩看。這段正確洗手的影片對於國高中生們也很有幫助。
Click here a teaching sheet on viral gastroenteritis. You may read through it for basic information. 請按這裡打開一張關於病毒性腸胃炎的衛教單張。請閱覽單張中有關於此疾病的基本資訊。
MAK Day Number Schedule (Google A/B Google Calendar)
Click this link to add the MAK Day Number Schedule (A/B Google Calendar). If the school is closed unexpectedly on a normal school day (ie. Typhoon, natural disaster, etc.) we will carry on following school day as indicated in this calendar. We will not make up any missed days.
Previous MAK Messengers
5K RUN/WALK TURKEY TROT – 5KM火雞路跑 This Friday, December 6, the High School Cross Country team will be hosting their Annual 5k Turkey Trot! This fun run/walk is open to everyone. We will meet at the track at 3:30pm and run outside the Dashe neighborhood. Join us for a chance…
Read MoreREMINDER – Tuition bill for Spring 2020 Semester 注意:要繳下學期(2020春季)的學費囉! Our tuition bill for Spring 2020 semester was sent out on November 6th, 2019 and payment is due by December 2nd, 2019. In addition to the paper copy of the Spring 2020 semester tuition statement mailed to you, a PDF version…
Read MoreREMINDER – Tuition bill for Spring 2020 Semester 注意:要繳下學期(2020春季)的學費囉! Our tuition bill for Spring 2020 semester was sent out on November 6th, 2019 and payment is due by December 2nd, 2019. In addition to the paper copy of the Spring 2020 semester tuition statement mailed to you, a PDF version…
Read MoreFlu vaccine vouchers available at MAK Front Office 現在可至學校辦公室索取流感疫苗傳單 If you would like your child to receive the influenza vaccine, you may stop by the Front Office to pick up your voucher. Once you receive the voucher, you may check with your local health department regarding dates and times the…
Read MoreTHANK YOU from the Junior class for coming to Family Day last weekend. Your generosity was overwhelming! Thank you for the support and we hope you had a wonderful afternoon! 11年級生謝謝您上週末來參與家庭日的活動。您的慷慨大方真的讓我們很感動!我們由衷感謝您的支持,希望您度過一個美好的下午時光! PIZZA DAY!! 披薩日!! Don’t forget to enjoy pizza for lunch on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 if you ordered it! Thank…
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