April 28, 2022


“I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”

Jeremiah 31:3

School Calendar

MAK Events Calendar

4/27-29 Senior Transition Retreat

4/29 Middle School Festival [Cancelled]

5/12 ASA Ends

5/19 Secondary (MS & HS) Spring Concert

5/20 Staff Appreciation

5/26 HS Award Ceremony

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Morrison Academy Kaohsiung (MAK) has been notified by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) regarding the Moderna Covid-19 vaccination for children ages 6 to 11 years old.  In recognizing the distribution of the vaccines as a family-school community service, MAK will assist the CECC and the Ministry of Education (MOE).  Children ages 6 – 11 will be eligible to receive the vaccine.

***In order for your child to receive the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine at MAK, one parent or guardian must be present at school.  The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that elementary students feel safe and secure when receiving the vaccine.  By having one parent or guardian present, the goal is to reduce any fears and make the child feel comfortable.  Please use the next two weeks to make the necessary adjustments to your working schedule.  Thank you for your cooperation.  After the child has received the vaccine, parents or guardians are to sign out their child and go home.***   

When parents or guardians arrive at MAK, please social distance by staying with your child only and adhering to all Covid-19 government regulations:

  1. Wear a mask at all times and sanitize your hands
  2. Conduct a temperature check
  3. Complete a health declaration form

MAK has secured Friday, May 13th, 2022 as the vaccination distribution date on which medical staff from the CECC will come to campus and administer jabs to the respective students.  The jabs will be administered from 1:30 pm through 3:15 pm in the MPR.  

For students to receive the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, all parents and guardians MUST complete and return a hard copy of the consent form to MAK by Friday, May 6th.  Even if you choose NOT to have your child receive the vaccine, please complete and return the consent form, as the school can provide each family a referral form to take to their local health clinic.  Please have your child return the hard copy consent form directly to the office or to their classroom teacher to ensure privacy and confidentiality.

Please click below to access the consent form:  

Please print, complete, and return the consent form to MAK by Friday, May 6, 2022.  

Thank you for your support and cooperation, 

Dr. Kim



***為了讓莫德那疫苗接種事宜順利進行,一位家長或監護人必須到校陪伴。當家長抵達校園時,請遵守所有防疫規定。此要求的目的在於確保學童在接種疫苗時可以覺得安全以及安心。讓一位家長來陪同,主要是為了減少任何因接種疫苗可能產生的恐懼及害怕,並且讓學童能夠有安全感。請利用接下來的兩週思考並且在您的工作行程上做安排以及調度。感謝您的配合。當小孩完成疫苗接種,家長將小孩帶回家休息。 ***  


  1. 全程配戴口罩並進行手部消毒
  2. 測量體溫
  3. 填寫健康聲明書









校長 金德民 教育博士  敬啟

Let’s MAKe a Difference – 2021-22 Annual Fund:

Thank you Mr. Liao for making our annual fund video!

The Annual Fund is an exciting time when we can come together as a community to enhance our students’ learning experience and environment.  Indeed, the Annual Fund is an opportunity for our community to generously give and take ownership of the school facilities.  

Our goal for this year’s Annual Fund is to raise 800,000 NT with a 100% participation rate from Monday, March 7th through Friday, May 20th, 2022.  We hope everyone can maximize this opportunity to “MAKe a Difference” for our school.  The Annual Fund will purchase school furniture to furnish the elementary, middle school, and high school common area spaces throughout the campus.

Here are the rooms we hope to furnish with new furniture:

Lower-Level ElementaryUpper-Level ElementaryLower-Level Middle SchoolUpper-Level Middle SchoolHigh School LoungeShark Cafe High School Athletic Award AreaOffice

Please pray and consider how you would like to contribute to this year’s Annual Fund.  We appreciate all and any contributions made by our community.  If you have any questions about giving towards the Annual Fund, please contact the school’s cashier, Ms. Connie Chang.   

Thank you for your generous support – Let’s Go, Sharks!


Dr. Kim

*As always, participation and donations are entirely optional.

2022-2023 Lunch Menu

Here’s the lunch menu for the 2022-2023 school year.

If you haven’t added lunch for the next school year, please email makoffice@ma.org.tw if you would like to add lunch!

Fall 2022-23 Semester Tuition Statement

Dear Parents,

A paper copy of the Fall 2022-23 semester tuition statement was mailed to you on April 25th. If you selected the paperless option in your registration form in PowerSchool, you will not receive a bill in the mail beginning this Fall 2022-23 tuition bill. In addition to this, a PDF version of the same bill was sent to your email. Please complete the payment by May 13th, 2022.

If you have any questions regarding the Fall 2022-23 semester tuition statement or would like to make any changes to the milk and lunch program, please email changco@ma.org.tw




Dear Class of 2029 Parents,

I will be hosting a workshop to discuss the differences between elementary and middle school to help smoothen the transition next week on Wednesday, May 4th at 2:30pm.  To help with arrangements, please fill out this form to sign up for the workshop.

To follow the COVID safety protocols, when you come to MAK please first sign in at the front desk and walk towards the Garden Conference Room through the outside hallways to minimize parent-student interaction as stated in the government regulations.  The front office can help direct you in the right direction if needed.

Thanks!  I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!

-Mr. Chan

Thank you Mr. Griffin for putting together this video for us!

This month, the 3rd graders led Chapel for all of Elementary School. We were blessed to hear about the miracles and life of Jesus in skit and song, as Grade 3 showcased some of the lessons they learned in Bible Class. Here is a recording of the 3rd Grade Class Chapel. Enjoy! 

Message from HS AD


TISSA Tournaments

Due to the current Covid-19 situation and government restrictions the HS TISSA Tournaments scheduled for April 30th have been rescheduled to May 7th in hopes of being able to play them then. A final decision on whether or not the tournaments will take place on May 7th should be made by May 1st. I will send a follow up email in regards to this decision. 

Community Games  (Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball)

In the meantime our teams are still able to play within Kaohsiung and are able to practice. We would like to close out the season and honor our athletes by having some MAK Community games this week and next week. Staff members, consider this a heads up, for when the coach contacts you to help make these games happen. Thank you in advance!

April 29th – JV Boys Vball @4:00 pm

May 2nd – V Boys Vball @4:00 pm (Senior Night)

May 4th – V Girls Soccer @4:00 pm (Senior Night)

Spectators at Competitions

Out of an abundance of caution MAK will close any athletic events to spectators. Only Morrison staff and students are permitted to attend athletic events.Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Previous MAK Messengers

August 27, 2020

  Half Day for Teachers’ PL – Friday, September 4, 2020 This is a reminder that Friday, September 4th will be a Half Day for Teachers’ PL Day. School will be dismissed at 11:30AM and the school buses will leave at 11:45AM. This is a system wide Professional Learning day…

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August 20, 2020

HOW TO REACH US: 如何與我們聯繫 At MAK, we are committed to serving you and your family and hold a high priority on communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school by phone (07-356-1190) during our office hours (Monday – Friday from 7:30am – 4:00pm).…

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August 13, 2020

Dear students and parents, “What did you do this summer?”  I imagine that our stories are quite a bit different than other summers.  Instead of airplane trips, visits with friends and family around the world, and summer courses and camps on college campuses, most of us spent the summer becoming…

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May 28, 2020

REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday, May 29th will be a Half Day of School 提醒您:五月29日(五),是本學期的結業日,只有半天 This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, May 29th is the LAST DAY of school and will only be a Half Day. School will be dismissed at 11:30AM and the school buses will leave at 11:45AM. Please…

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May 21, 2020

The last day of the ASA program as well as Middle School Sports will end today, Thursday, May 21st. The last day of High School sports will end tomorrow, Friday, May 22nd. We will not have any after school programs or activities during the last week of school.  Please remember…

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