April 16, 2020
Hello Parents,
We are so happy to have students back in the building. It is great to see their happy faces. (I was going to say happy smiles, but those smiles are hidden behind masks.) We have taken additional precautions to protect the health of students. Here is a list of some of them.
- Lunch seating is expanded and spread out. Some students are eating outside. Students eating in the MPR have specific seat assignments that are spread out in the room creating good social distancing.
- All students are wearing masks at school.
- Middle School after school sports has been changed from basketball to activities that naturally allow for more space between students. We are playing badminton, ping pong, frisbee golf, and outdoor volleyball.
Thanks for allowing us to educate your children.
我們很開心看到孩子們回到校園來。看到他們開心的臉龐,真棒!(我原本要說開心的笑容,但是這些笑容被口罩遮住了。)我們採取了一些額外的預防措施,以保護學生的健康。 以下列出這些措施。
- 午餐座位分散安排以拉開距離。 一些學生在外面迴廊用餐。 而在MPR用餐的學生則有特定的座位分配,這些拉開距離的位置安排以利我們維持社交安全距離。
- 所有學生在學校都戴著口罩。
- 中學部的體育活動,已經將籃球更改為可以實踐社交安全距離的活動。 我們正在打羽毛球,乒乓球,飛盤高爾夫和戶外排球。
Julie Heinsman 韓茱莉
Principal 校長
Would you like to help improve our gym facility? Make a donation to the Annual Fund!
You can give funds to the cashier or click here to make an online donation.
Donations of $25,000NT or more will be acknowledged on a plaque in the gym.
Reminder to Parents:
- Please send a spare mask to school with your child to keep in their backpack.
- 遮住您的鼻和口。 確保臉部和口罩之間沒有縫隙。
- 避免觸摸口罩。請用消毒酒精或肥皂洗手,手部清潔後再觸摸口罩。
- 口罩濕掉時立即更換新的口罩。 不要重複使用一次性口罩。
- 用口罩鬆緊帶從後面取下口罩。 請勿觸摸口罩的正面。
- 立即將口罩丟進密閉的垃圾桶。
- 丟完用消毒酒精或肥皂洗手。
- 請準備備用口罩並放在孩子的背包中。
Dear MS parents and students, 中學部家長和學生,平安:
Due to all the event cancellations and the social distancing rules in place at Morrison, we have made some changes for the rest of the school year. There will no longer be a basketball season. However, because we understand the value of staying active and incorporating movement into each and every day, MAK is offering badminton, table tennis, outdoor volleyball and outdoor frisbee games during the regular MS practice times.
Students who ride the bus and do not wish to participate will go to a monitored study hall in MS1. Students who do not ride the bus will need to leave campus after school or be monitored by a parent while on campus. Of course, social distancing rules and regular study hall procedures will apply.
搭乘校車,但不想參加以上活動的學生可以前往MS1教室裡在老師的監督下自習。不搭校車的學生,放學後則需要離開校園或是在一位家長的陪同下在校園內活動。 當然,我們會在教室內實施安全社交距離的規定和一般自習程序。
If you have any questions, please email greggj@ma.org.tw
若您有任何問題,請發信greggj@ma.org.tw 與我聯絡。
Jason Gregg
MS Humanities and PE teacher/MS Athletic Director
Congratulations to Michael Huang who placed 3rd in violin at the Formosa Music Competition in March 2020. We are so proud of Michael’s accomplishment and wish him continued success and enjoyment playing the violin!
恭喜三年級學生Michael Huang在2020年三月的福爾摩沙室內樂音樂賽中,獲得古典小提琴獨奏特等獎第三名!我們對於Michael的成就感到無比驕傲。我們期待也祝福他在學習小提琴的這條路上持續發光發熱!
Previous MAK Messengers
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