Christian Service Learning

Morrison Academy's philosophy, core values, and Vision for our Learners all include the idea that our students will be engaged with the world “outside of the school walls”. In 2010, our middle school Bible department began to implement a Christian Service Learning (CSL) component at every grade level. Middle school students are particularly eager to explore new ideas and experience new challenges, and the Christian Service Learning program is specifically designed to enhance this uniqueness. Students will be engaged in personal, active, compassionate, and informed service to their local community during each of the school’s six scheduled half-days. The Christian Service Learning program is enriched with in-depth, practical teaching on relevant Biblical principles and personal reflection.
CSL at MAK allows our students to experience the fact that there is a reward in serving outside of ourselves. Giving our time, energy, and resources to others not only blesses the receiver but can also change us. We want to be people that give, not just people that get. We believe in the power of partnership and so we partner with Jia Cheng Elementary School, Co-Life homeless shelter, Renwu Special Needs School, Maolin Elementary, to serve them in truth and with love.