Principal's Welcome

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Morrison Academy Kaohsiung (MAK) welcomes you to our school website. I am confident you will find purposeful information in this helpful resource to learn more about our amazing school community.
At MAK, we pride ourselves on being a school community focused on educating the whole child while finding innovative ways to make learning relevant and meaningful for our students. We believe in creating safe learning environments to ensure that student's academic, behavioral, social-emotional, and spiritual needs are met while also providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to one another throughout the learning process. Our vision statement echoes these core values: The MAK school community engages “all students to experience a quality, biblically-integrated education so that each one will be equipped to impact the world dynamically for Christ.”
MAK’s theme for this school year aims to help our students understand their identity, significance, and self-worth in Christ. For this reason, this year’s school theme is titled “Masterpiece,” based on Ephesians 2:10, which says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” I hope that MAK will learn that our significance and self-worth have nothing to do with our grades, talents, achievements, or where we go to university. Indeed, it is not what we do that gives us worth or value, but who we belong to. Therefore, I hope we all will recognize that our true self-worth comes from the Lord, knowing that God created us, Jesus died for us, and that as a follower of Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in us. My prayer for this school year is that our community will never forget that we are valuable, priceless, and God’s masterpiece.
I look forward to serving alongside you as we continue to support one another and make our school a place where everyone can thrive and grow. Let’s go, Sharks!
In Him,
Daniel Kim, Ed.D.
Principal 校長